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UPDATED : June 28, 2021 • Grow Your Sales

Ecommerce shopper types: how to cater to each for your ecommerce business

Ecommerce shopper types: how to cater to each for your ecommerce business

Ecommerce growth has increased significantly in recent years. With the future of ecommerce showing no signs of online sales slowing down, it’s no surprise why so many people are considering launching their own stores.

If you’re somebody who dreams of becoming an online entrepreneur, there are several things that you’ll want to consider before you get started.

For instance, all ecommerce retailers should have a target demographic. Within that audience, though, are several different types of customers. 

Not all shoppers will visit your website with the same goals, and browsing behavior can vary widely from person to person. Understanding what ecommerce customers want is essential to the success of your business.

Because the different types have different priorities, the ways in which you market to them will vary, too. 

Knowing the types of ecommerce shoppers can help you fine-tune your marketing strategy to appeal to each of them. There are many reasons consumers may visit your site, and not every person fits perfectly into one category. 

However, most of your website visitors are going to align with one of six profiles. Here are the most common types of ecommerce customers and how you can cater to them!

1. Browsers

Browsers aren’t searching for any specific item. They’re instead perusing online stores to see if anything draws their eye. Some browsers start their shopping with the intention of making a purchase, and others are only looking at products because they’re bored.

A good way to appeal to browsers is through high-quality, eye-catching images. Because they’re not looking for anything in particular, it’s your job to attract their attention and get them interested in a specific item. Images are a great way to create an immediate interest.

Another strategy for appealing to browsers is to include a “similar products” section on each product page. Browsers are interested in finding new items. Showing them a list of goods related to the one they’re currently viewing will therefore keep them on your site for longer.

Browsing visitors also like to see what’s new. If they regularly visit the same sites, they’ll want to know what has changed since their last shopping session. 

To keep them interested, you could include a “new products” category or place a banner on your site announcing updates or promotions.

Conversion rates for browsers may not be as high as they are for other types of people shopping online. However, it’s entirely possible to generate a lot of sales from those who visit your site just to look around. For many browsers, the key is retargeting.

Browsers don’t usually feel a sense of urgency when they see a product they like. They may not buy something right away. Nevertheless, you can encourage them to return to your ecommerce store through retargeting ads on social media or other websites. 

Retargeting involves marketing to consumers who have already expressed an interest in your business. By reminding these potential customers of your store and your products, you can convince them to make a purchase in the near future.

2. Researchers

Researchers are some of the most diligent and goal-driven people you’ll have shopping on your website. They have a specific item in mind that they’re certain they want to purchase. 

However, they’ll take their time before deciding which specific item they want and which store they’ll buy from.

Researchers want the best deal, quality, and shopping experience. They’re not usually in a rush to buy, so they’ll look at items from many stores to find the most favorable option. 

They’ll search for reviews, carefully read through the details of the product listing, and weigh the pros and cons of each choice.

With researchers, your goal isn’t to convince them that they need the product. They already know that they want to buy something. 

The goal instead is to convince them that your online store is their best option. You can do this by establishing trust and transparency.

Include reviews on your product page so that researchers can easily read input from other purchasers. Be honest about shipping prices, return policies, and other information that may affect their decision. 

Reply to emails or social media messages quickly so that your potential customers don’t lose interest while waiting for an answer to their question.

Patience is important with researchers as well. Like browsers, they probably won’t be purchasing on their first visit to your store. Retargeting can help you stay connected with them, but ultimately, you’ll just have to wait for them to decide.

3. Focused shoppers

Focused shoppers know exactly what they want to buy. While researchers have a general idea of the type of item they’re looking for, focused shoppers have typically already decided on the specific item they want.

These visitors aren’t going to browse your website. They'll immediately go to the search bar to locate the product they have in mind. 

Because they've already done their research, they probably won’t even read your product description or look at the images too closely. Their goal is to find the item and purchase it as quickly as possible.

If you’re trying to appeal to focused customers, user experience should be the priority for your online store. Your website should be fast and easy to navigate. 

The search bar should be immediately visible at the top of every page, and your system for categories and filtering should be clear and effective.

In addition, the checkout process must be optimized for speed. Make sure you have a link to the checkout on every page of your site so that your customers can quickly navigate to their cart. Allow every visitor to check out as a guest, and only ask for the essential information. 

Focused customers are only interested in completing the purchase. For this reason, you should make the process as quick and easy as possible.

What’s more, these customers may be less likely to return to your shop than other customers. Once they have the product they need, they might not have a reason to keep shopping. 

However, they may come back to your site if they need to buy the same item again. It may help them if you allow your returning customers to easily view their previous orders so that they can immediately find the right item. 

Not all focused shoppers will take the time to make an account, though, so this strategy may not be effective for everyone.

4. Bargain seekers

For bargain seekers, the top priority is savings. They may not care much about brands, customer experience, or other factors. Bargain seekers tend to choose the product and store that offers them the best deal.

Like researchers, these bargain-driven buyers will browse multiple stores to find the prime option. They might not make a purchase the first time they visit your site, but they'll come back if you offer them a great deal.

To appeal to bargain seekers, make the value and savings of your offer clear. Any time you have a sale or promotion, advertise it heavily on your website, in your ads, and on your social media channels. 

If possible, offer special promotions for first-time shoppers or send a discount code to customers who sign up for your email list.

It’s also good to emphasize the difference between the sale price and the regular price. Whenever you offer a discount, the page should display the original price slashed out next to the sale price. 

You could even include the dollar amount or percentage the shopper saves by purchasing the item during the sale.

However, you won’t always be able to offer the most favorable deal. You may sometimes have to find another way of appealing to bargain seekers when you can’t drop your prices lower than the competition’s. 

In this case, stress the benefits of your goods. Highlight the ways in which an item will add value to the customer’s life. 

A bargain seeker’s instinct is to compare your prices with others.’ Focusing on the immeasurable benefits of your products may therefore help to take their attention away from price comparisons.

5. Impulsive buyers

Impulsive buyers can be hard to define and difficult to market to. By nature, their buying habits are unpredictable. 

They may not visit your shop with the intention of buying something but might decide at the last minute to become a customer. They alternatively might visit your store for one particular item but add a few extras to their cart on a whim.

These types of purchasers are often interested in trends and love to have the latest and greatest items available. Impulsivity can be especially common in the fashion and technology industries because both of these sectors are constantly changing. 

There’s always a sense of urgency to buy an item now since it may soon become outdated!

Impulse shoppers tend to be highly suggestible. They respond well to recommendations, so a “related products” section may be a valuable addition to your listings. After they make an initial purchase, you could also send them a follow-up email with other recommendations.

Speed and convenience are also important for impulse shoppers. Their urge to buy something may not last long, so the shopping process should be streamlined from beginning to end. 

It should be easy for them to browse your categories and narrow down the results with filters, and your checkout should be quick and easy.

6. Loyal customers

Loyal customers are your most reliable and lucrative customers. Although you should make efforts to appeal to all types of consumers, your main goal should be to convert your site visitors into loyal, returning buyers.

One common mistake many ecommerce retailers make is focusing too much on finding new customers and not enough on retaining existing ones. For many businesses, loyal customers account for up to 80% of sales. 

Once they develop a relationship with your brand, you don’t have to make intense efforts to continue marketing to them. All you have to do is maintain the relationship with regular communication and occasional promotions.

Loyal shoppers value your brand and the customer experience you offer. They want to buy from your store specifically, so they’ll return repeatedly instead of searching for deals elsewhere. To attract loyal customers, aim for transparency, branding, and personalization.

Shoppers who value loyalty want to feel a connection to your business. They should feel like they know who you are and what you value. 

Your store should have a clear brand identity with a mission statement that outlines your goals. Maintaining a consistent image across your store will help people understand you, which will foster a sense of loyalty to your business.

Personalizing the shopping experience also helps. You could use artificial intelligence (AI) or machine learning technology to offer individualized product recommendations based on the customer’s prior browsing. 

In addition, whenever you communicate with your customers via email, address them by name. When shoppers feel like you know who they are, they’ll feel a stronger connection to your business.

Final thoughts

To appeal to as wide of an audience as possible, consider all six of these customer types when designing your website and marketing your products. You might choose one or two of them to focus on, though, depending on your industry and the types of goods you offer. 

For some businesses, researchers are far more common than impulse buyers. Other retailers may have more success marketing to browsers.

Think about why your shoppers are visiting your site and what would appeal most to them. Measure the results of every change you make to your site. This will help you to determine what works and what doesn’t for the customers who visit your store. 

By catering to the various types of ecommerce shoppers, you can turn one-time site visitors into happy customers and increase sales for your business!

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