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UPDATED : July 25, 2024 • Grow Your Sales

How to increase online sales fast and grow your business: Top 22 tips

How to increase online sales fast and grow your business: Top 22 tips
Article updated on July 25, 2024:
New statistics and information added

Whether it be a traditional physical store or an online store, a business owner only ever has one objective. This is to bring in as many customers as possible to increase their sales.

Online, the competition is huge, so it’s essential that you make your website stand out from the crowd to help get ecommerce customers. Your site must feature high-quality content and customer service, all while making it easy for visitors to find what they’re looking for.

If you’re wondering why your online store isn’t selling, don’t abandon all hope of finding success in selling on the internet.

Here are a few ecommerce tips to help you improve your business and boost your online sales, free of charge!

1. Improve the user experience for your customers

To boost your store’s performance and increase the traffic to your product pages, put yourself in your customers’ shoes and try to understand their needs.

Develop a plan dedicated to improving customers’ experience on your website, ensuring that they always leave with a good impression. You’ll of course find that this helps you to retain customers and boost your online sales.

However, it also increases the likelihood that they’ll spread the word about your product or service, garnering free positive publicity for your online store.

From the moment shoppers arrive on your home page, through the purchasing funnel and on to reading your terms and conditions, you need to keep an eye on every detail of your website to ensure that transactions run smoothly, without ever losing them along the way.

Creating a merchant site requires constant attention. The main concern you need to keep in mind is cart abandonment, your worst enemy. It's a proven fact: a slow or unresponsive payment interface encourages cart abandonment. So your products don't deserve to be abandoned, and neither does the indecisive user.

To compensate for possible temporary anomalies, rely on automatic email reminders to enable all your prospects to fall for your products. At WiziShop, these actions are included in our solution thanks to Auto-Mail Booster! Email and SMS marketing won't be a mystery for you any longer...

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2. Offer fluid store navigation

Your website should be ergonomic, intuitive, and enjoyable to browse. As consumers often shop online to avoid the stress of crowded shopping centers, making a purchase at your online shop should be a pleasure.

Like a physical store, it’s essential to offer the best navigation path possible for your visitors. To gain customers online and improve your conversion rate, purchases should be easy and painless.

Whether the user is browsing on a desktop computer, smartphone or tablet, the result should be the same: a smooth, positive experience. Because in addition to building loyalty and converting, you'll be judged positively by search engines like Google, which now take into account the reliability of your navigation.

Thanks to WiziShop, this lighter navigation will be adapted to your interface: all our designs are responsive, and the AMP format allows you to take advantage of a dedicated mobile layout for category pages, product pages, and blog posts. And it's all included in the solution! Your graphic charter adapts for optimal results. 

3. Respond to your customers’ questions

Depending on the nature of your products, visitors to your site could have few or lots of questions. For example, if you sell handcrafted jewelry, you might find that customers ask about precious-metal content, sizing, or gemstone cuts.

Find the channel that'll enable you to respond quickly to all queries. Above all, diversify your solutions: a great way is to encourage your prospects to get in touch with you through a contact form or by leaving your email address in a prominent place.

Be reactive when you're sent questions. Don’t let competitors capture your online sales because you were too slow!

Your business may even want to integrate a live chat feature to better assist people visiting your online store.

To take things a step further, an FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page is going to enable you to anticipate your prospects' questions. With this solution, you'll be able to offer a space dedicated to recurring questions, enabling you to direct users quickly and simply.

Last but not least, keep a close eye on your social networks: they're a popular form of media for receiving comments and hearing about users' pain points, just like an after-sales service. Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, and even Pinterest can inspire your prospects while giving them a voice!

hoka help center

Help Center available on the HOKA website

4. Encourage your customers to act

Call-to-action (CTA) buttons should be an integral part of your ecommerce marketing plan and sales techniques.

These spaces must be adapted to several criteria:

  • possible actions on your site ("Discover our Christmas offer"),
  • your target's primary interest (“Indulge your sweet tooth!” if you sell candy, for example),
  • the solution to a problem (“Stop blackheads!” if you sell skin care),
  • the target audience for your product (“Enter the contest!” if your audience is young),
  • the possibility of highlighting offers and new prices (“Take advantage of our $5/month offer” if you offer a subscription),
  • etc.

It's up to you to be creative with your content! By clearly explaining to online shoppers what you expect from them, you can only boost your database, as well as your conversion rate and therefore your online sales. "Add to cart," "contact us," "download," "buy," etc. are all elements that should appear repeatedly on your website.

5. Display your customer reviews

To reassure your visitors, don't hesitate to share your customer reviews. Ratings, statistics, and comments from prospects similar to your target audience... These are all indicators that'll encourage internet users to give your site a try!

Lack of trust is one of the main obstacles to online transactions. Recommendations are a very effective way of overcoming this reluctance. Highlight these reviews on your ecommerce site to prove your good faith and the quality of your services.

On WiziShop, add your reviews in just a few clicks with the dedicated “Customer reviews” block. With the help of our partners such as Avis Vérifiés, integrating these reviews on your interface is super simple and a good way of betting on a long-term strategy!

customer reviews block wizishop

6. Don’t hold back on promotions on your website

To encourage compulsive buying, promotions are an excellent marketing lever. Without ever offering prices at a loss (except during sales periods), modify your interface often by offering one-off promotions, not to be missed!

From time to time, display discounts on certain products, promotional offers or free shipping. A great way to then relay this information is by sending newsletters targeted to a selected segment of similar prospects. The more successfully you can target your communications, the more likely you are to pique your customers' curiosity.

When you choose WiziShop, you're opting for a solution that includes a whole range of tools and options dedicated to offers and promotions. In just a couple of clicks, you can highlight a particular product while lowering the price of an entire category. Simple and effective!

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7. Develop marketing actions for your ecommerce site

To improve your visibility online and increase the traffic coming through to your website, promote your store online and roll out a marketing strategy.

Facebook Ads, email campaigns, ads inserted into relevant websites…there are lots of different ways to get people talking about you!

Do some research to determine what kinds of promotions work best for your business. You’ll then be able to create a marketing plan that’s tailored to your audience and get people buzzing about your business and products.

Because beyond organic traffic, you'll need to spread the word about your business beyond a target audience already interested in your field. So it's vital to devise a solid marketing plan, with a precise schedule, timetable, and budget, to enable you to evolve with the market.

To establish a solid procedure, it's best to call on a professional or specialized agency. However, it's possible for you to set up digital marketing actions with the help of online training: at WiziShop, free online video training modules are provided, and we help you find the right levers for your business!

8. Give your product descriptions a boost to increase your ecommerce traffic

Avoid regurgitating boring, standard product descriptions. Personalizing your platform can help you stand out from the crowd. You're unique, your products are unique, and your SEO plan needs to be too!

Prioritize detailed, inspiring information that enhances your products and makes people want to buy them, especially if you're working on a luxury product range! Also, think about prospects who will want to know everything about the product before they buy it. The more precise your descriptions and the more information you can provide, the more likely they'll be to make a purchase.

Are you enthusiastic about your catalog? This should be evident when people read your product descriptions! If, however, you're having trouble finding inspiration, or if you'd simply like to delegate this task, at WiziShop we offer you the help of qualified partners who can support you in this exercise!

But that's not all: WiziShop also offers you unlimited access to an AI writing tool for all your content!

9. Use high-quality photos

To add value to your products, avoid neglecting the quality of your product photos. Show your products from different angles and make sure your potential customers can zoom in to see further details.

Even if you're not in possession of a high-performance camera, no problem! A smartphone will do the trick. After that, it's all a question of lighting and framing: light is essential to highlight colors and shapes, as is framing, which must do justice to the actual size of the item.

For each product page, provide different visuals from different angles. If you can, offer videos to accompany your catalog to give more details on the movement of a part or the use of an object.

product photos lagriffedejulie

On the La Griffe de Julie website, jewelry is highlighted and combined to add style to the visuals.

The photography on your website should make visitors feel like they need and want your products. A description is not always sufficient to convince a potential customer to buy an item and ensure a conversion.

To give style to your visual creations, consider taking inspiration from popular images on social networks: image and video work also relies heavily on inspiration and emotion. Presenting your products properly is very commendable, but bringing a little of yourself into your creations can make the customer want to choose you rather than one of your competitors.

10. Create a sense of urgency

Because customers can be indecisive, it can sometimes help to build a sense of urgency by offering promotions (free shipping; buy one, get one free; etc.) or discounts for a limited time only. Increase your online sales by alerting customers about special deals via email, social media, or other ways.

Creating promotions that only last 24 hours can help encourage certain customers to complete their orders!

You can also indicate when stock is low, which may make them want to purchase your product even more. For example, on WiziShop, you can create an announcement bar with a customized message:

announcement bar wizishop

11. Offer different kinds of payment methods

Certain buyers will not place orders simply because their usual payment method is not accepted by your website.

So that your online shop doesn’t miss out on any sales, make sure to offer different kinds of ways for customers to pay. These can include options such as credit cards, PayPal, Amazon Pay, and Apple Pay.

The more types of payment methods you offer, the more chances you put on your side to avoid any risk of cart abandonment.

At WiziShop, we offer you a range of banking partners to satisfy all your requirements, from the simplest to the most complex, in one or more installments.

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12. Improve customer satisfaction through your customer service

Satisfied customers often place repeat orders on the same site, so make customer satisfaction your priority.

Your customer service must be optimal. That means answering all their questions promptly. Send deliveries as soon as possible. Include a small gift or note. Think about your after-sales service, which needs to be clear and responsive.

This service will help you win the hearts of your prospects and create a bond of trust with your customers. If you don't have staff dedicated to customer contact, make every possible tool available to internet users: contact form, email, FAQ page, links to social networks. And when communicating with your customers, remember to offer small promotions or gifts for future orders.

It’s the little details that will keep your customers coming back to your online store!

13. Optimize your editorial content

To improve your ecommerce site's SEO, you should regularly create new texts on specific subjects, while integrating numerous keywords related to your theme in order to generate traffic.

To diversify your content as much as possible, opt for the publication of a blog dedicated to your ancillary content, which can shed light on your products as well as on the benefits of your products and how they should be used, like a guide.

Google will pick up on this regularity and move your web page up the search results. As a result, more customers are going to be drawn to your site.

Your images and videos are also an asset for your SEO: titling them well and including them in your articles will make your platform a pleasant space for your readers as well as for search engines like Google. But remember: compress your images and be inspiring.

Your traffic will increase tenfold, as will your online sales!

14. Bolster your SEO strategy with long-tail keywords

When it comes to SEO, many online retailers will try to rank on search engines using a few short keywords:

  • gardening store
  • car accessories
  • dog toys

It's often a better idea to go for long-tail keywords. By looking for longer phrases, you’ll be able to improve your ranking more easily!

Here are a few examples:

  • tool for cutting rose thorns
  • Sylvania tail light bulb
  • bouncy ball for poodles

These long-tail keywords are not searched as often but are of higher quality. The search is therefore much more targeted.

15. Work with social media influencers

According to Statista, the rate of global social media penetration is predicted to reach approximately 75.3% in 2028, a growth of a little over 18% from 2024. With worldwide social media usage being so high, if you’re looking for an increase in your sales, what better method than a social media influencer campaign?

With a variety of social media platforms available, such as Facebook, Instagram, X (formerly Twitter), TikTok, and others, your business has several options from which to choose. Statista reports that as of April 2024, Facebook is the most used social media platform worldwide (in terms of number of users).

However, you’ll likely need to do a bit of research to determine which platform works best for your brand regarding your involvement with social media influencers.

For example, your product placement strategy could involve identifying a few influential people that fit with your brand on Instagram and contacting them. The trust that followers have in influencers on different social media platforms is remarkable, so why not try this strategy out?

16. Suggest ideas for additional products to buy

Sometimes, people might plan on only making a single purchase, but an additional product may catch their eye while they’re visiting your online store. Each additional purchase adds up and can aid in increasing your total online sales.

To increase the average order value of your customers, you can recommend other products for them to buy. When they click on certain pages or place an order, suggest extra items that complement the product that they’re already ready to purchase.

This technique is also very effective during the checkout process: just before clicking on the “pay” button, the user is shown one or more products that might be of interest. There are several possibilities:

  • items that are complementary to their purchase (e.g., a leather care product for a shoe purchase),
  • items that temporarily have a special offer (e.g., 10% off a watering can in a store selling gardening products), or
  • a new product at a low price (a designer tote bag in a food store).

Upselling is a powerful lever for boosting your average cart value, while offering a fun sale for the consumer.

17. Test and analyze your site pages

To find out which strategy works best with your customers, try testing several versions of product pages, buttons, messages...

Try them out several times and observe the impact in terms of your online sales. This will help you choose the most optimal version of your website.

In the long term, put yourself in the shoes of a customer who wants to buy from your site and go through the entire process: have you noticed any anomalies? Did you experience any problems at a certain level?

All these test results can help you stay on top of your game so that you never lose an online sales opportunity!

18. Pamper new customers

The acquisition of new customers is one of the most difficult steps. For this reason, you need to make them feel valued.

A small, thoughtful gesture can help encourage people to remain loyal to your brand. You may want to, for example, gift them with a free welcome present or discount code for a certain percentage off or free shipping for when they place their next order.

And if the visitor hasn't completed their order? Relaunch your prospect with an automatic email reminder, included with WiziShop using the Auto-Mail Booster feature.

19. Simplify the buying process

Customers are increasingly busy these days. They don’t have time to waste on trying to navigate your website. Offering a quick checkout process is a great way to ensure rapidity. 

With the use of WiziShop's Smart Checkout for your online store, a few clicks is all customers need to finalize their order, providing a super simple checkout process!

20. Create a responsive design

A significant number of online purchases are done on mobile devices. In fact, a Statista study determined that in Q4 2022, 38% of online purchases in the US were accomplished via mobile devices.

If your goal is to increase sales for your online business, your ecommerce site must be readable on a smartphone, tablet, or computer. Buyers should be able to place an order from whichever device they choose.

At WiziShop, this adaptability is in the DNA of our solution to make ecommerce accessible to everyone, everywhere, all the time!

21. Optimize your page loading time

Internet users are becoming more and more impatient and volatile. They don’t want to waste time on websites that take too long to load.

So make sure that you improve the display of your site by using dedicated online speed testing tools like PageSpeed ​​Insights.

22. Display your terms and conditions

Finally, to show visitors that you're professional and transparent, display your terms and conditions on your website. Be sure that you’re clear on certain points such as delivery, returns, and refunds. This helps to strengthen customer trust, ultimately leading to more sales for your ecommerce venture.

Many internet users don't turn into buyers because they're not sure about a merchant's return policy. Make this step easy for your prospects to ensure additional sales and customer loyalty.

With these tips, your online store will be optimized to never lose the link between a customer and your company. Responsiveness, efficiency, availability and professionalism will carry your e-shop through to success.

At WiziShop, we're here to help you every step of the way. Ready to launch your ecommerce adventure? Sign up with WiziShop today with a 7-day free trial!

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