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Gross & Net Profit

In the world of accounting, understanding a company's profits, whether gross or net, is crucial to assessing its financial health. Gross profit is like your company's gross margin. It’s calculated by taking total sales and deducting the cost of goods sold, such as raw materials. This figure reveals the company's ability to turn its activities into cash. Net profit is the most telling accounting figure. It’s the financial amount remaining to the company after paying all invoices, operational costs such as salaries, overhead expenses like rent, interest, and every type of tax. The tax system plays a major role here. Net profit is the most important indicator of how well the company is doing overall, showing how much money the company actually has left after all its expenses.


Why care about CTR? This figure can give you an indication of the effectiveness of your ads or publications. As we've seen, a high click-through rate suggests that your content is well aligned with your audience, while a low rate could indicate the need to rethink your strategy or ad design. Let's take the example of a web ad or social network post. The CTR is the percentage that indicates how many people who saw your ad or publication actually clicked on it. It's simple: if 100 people see your ad and 5 of them click on it, your CTR is 5%.

Calculating your company's gross and net profit means taking the temperature of your structure at a given moment. Why are these calculations so important?

  • A measure of profitability: gross profit shows how much a company earns from its core activities, before subtracting expenses. It reflects the company's efficiency in producing and selling its products or services. A high gross profit means that the company is competent in its core business.
  • Cost management assessment: net profit reveals the company's ability to manage costs and remain profitable after deducting all expenses.
  • Strategic decision-making: these calculations help managers to make clear and precise decisions, based on real figures. For example, a high gross profit but a low net profit would be a sign that operating expenses are too high, with the need to cut costs.
  • Credibility and reputation: a company that regularly posts a positive net profit is often perceived as more credible and reliable, particularly in its search for financing, and thus improves its reputation with customers, suppliers, and business partners.
📊 Total revenue ($)Total sales revenue generated by the company
🛒 Cost of goods sold ($)Direct costs of producing or purchasing the goods sold by the company
💰 Operating expenses ($)Expenses necessary for the daily operation of the company
💵 Other income ($)Revenues not from the company's main activity
💸 Other expenses ($)Expenses not directly related to the company's main activity
💱 Taxes ($)Taxes paid on profits


For gross profit: enter your sales in dollars, then the cost of goods sold in dollars to calculate gross profit.

For net profit: add your operating expenses, all your income and expenses in dollars, then the amount of your taxes, and finally, let the calculator give you your net profit.

calculator method


Optimizing profit is the goal of every commercial enterprise. It's about balancing the books by improving cost management while boosting the profitability of your actions. Here are some practical tips on how to achieve this:

  • Optimize production costs: take a close look at the cost of goods sold. Look for ways to reduce costs without compromising quality, such as negotiating better rates with suppliers or improving production efficiency.
  • Aim for rigorous expense management: monitor and control operational expenses on an ongoing basis, from overhead expenses such as rent and utilities, to salaries and marketing expenses. Look for ways to be more frugal and efficient.
  • Perform a price analysis: make sure that your selling prices are well established. Prices that are too low will reduce your gross profit, while prices that are too high could reduce demand. Your goal is to find the right balance.
  • Diversify your offer: don't put all your eggs in one basket! Diversify your revenue streams to reduce dependence on a single product or market.
  • Use data: base your decisions on accurate data and analysis. Use analytical tools to understand market trends, customer behavior and the effectiveness of your actions.
  • Manage inventory effectively: poorly managed stock can lead to unnecessary costs. Make sure you have just enough to meet demand without overstocking or understocking.
  • Monitor the competition and the market: keep abreast of market trends and your competitors' actions to help you anticipate changes and quickly adapt your strategy.


What is the difference between gross profit and net profit?

  • Gross profit: this is what a company earns after selling its products or services, but before subtracting other expenses. It's sales minus the cost of producing or purchasing the products sold.
  • Net profit: this is the amount left over after paying all expenses, not just production costs. This includes taxes, general and administrative expenses, etc. It's gross profit minus all these additional expenses.

How do you calculate the gross/net difference?

To calculate this difference, you simply subtract total expenses (apart from those already deducted to obtain gross profit) from gross profit. The formula would be: Net profit = Gross profit - Additional expenses (taxes, overhead expenses, etc.).

How do you go from revenue to the net result?

Going from revenue to the net result is simple:

  • Start with revenue, which is total sales.
  • Subtract the cost of goods sold to get gross profit.
  • Next, subtract all other expenses (such as salaries, rent, fees, interest on loans, and taxes) from gross profit.
  • The amount remaining after these subtractions is the net result.

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