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The success or failure of an investment can often be determined by a key metric: return on investment, or ROI. This evaluation, which compares the benefits obtained with the costs incurred, provides an overview of the profitability of a project or business. Whether you're a manager, entrepreneur, or investor, understanding and calculating ROI is central to financial and strategic decision-making. It's an approach that goes beyond simple numbers, helping to optimize resources and guide strategic decisions.


Our ROI calculator allows you to calculate the return on investment you can obtain from the sale of a product or service. The formula for calculating ROI is both simple and widely used in finance and accounting. ROI is calculated as the difference between the profit obtained and the cost of the investment, divided by the cost of the investment, all multiplied by 100.

💰 Investment gain ($)Amount you earned from your investment
💸 Investment cost ($)Amount that you invested
📈 ROI (%)Calculation result that represents the return on investment as a percentage


The formula for calculating ROI is made up of the following elements:

  • Investment gain: represents the revenue or profit generated by the investment.
  • Investment cost: represents the total amount spent to make the investment and may include the purchase cost, set-up costs, operational costs, and other expenses associated with the investment.
  • Difference between gain and cost: this is the gross profit of the investment before comparing it with the initial cost.
  • Division by investment cost: this relates the gross profit to the initial cost, enabling a fair comparison between different investments.
  • Multiplication by 100: this converts the value into a percentage for ease of comparison and interpretation, showing the profitability of the investment as a percentage of the initial cost.
calculator method


All transactions generated by a company must be beneficial to the smooth running of its business. Optimizing return on investment is a major business challenge and should be a priority for every company. How do you optimize all your transactions?

  • Analyze your investments: regularly evaluate your investments to identify those that are working well and those that need special attention.
  • Define clear objectives: this helps you align your investments with your business objectives.
  • Learn more about your audience: if you're investing in marketing or advertising, analyze your target audience carefully.
  • Invest in quality: whether it's a product, a service, or a marketing campaign, quality is often more important than quantity.
  • Manage risk: identify and assess the potential risks associated with your investments. When marketing or advertising campaigns, make sure that your efforts effectively convert prospects into customers. A good conversion rate can significantly improve your ROI.
  • Monitor your cost per lead (CPL): Keeping an eye on your CPL helps you understand where to invest your resources. A low CPL generally means that your marketing efforts are effective, while a high CPL could indicate that there are opportunities for improvement.


What is return on investment (ROI)?

Return on investment, or ROI, is a financial measure used to evaluate the effectiveness of an investment. It compares the profit or loss generated by an investment with the amount of money invested. Companies use ROI to assess the profitability of different projects. These may include purchasing new equipment, launching a new product line, or expanding into new markets.

Why calculate ROI?

This helps to understand whether or not the investment has been profitable. ROI, being a standardized measurement, enables different investments to be compared with each other. Whether between different projects within a company or different assets for an individual investor, ROI provides a clear basis for comparison. It also helps to track performance over time and make adjustments where necessary. Although ROI doesn’t directly measure risk, it can be used in conjunction with other measures to assess the risk/reward ratio of an investment.

What’s a good ROI?

There's no specific figure that defines a "good" ROI, as this can vary according to expectations, the market, and the size of the structure. To help you with your calculation, here are a few things to bear in mind:

  • Risk versus reward: a high ROI may indicate a high return, but it may also be associated with higher risk. So it's important to weigh the potential ROI against the risk associated with the investment.
  • Context: what is considered a good ROI can vary considerably depending on the environment or market. For example, a 5% ROI may be considered good for one company, while a 20% ROI may be expected in another.
  • Period: ROI can be calculated over different periods of time, such as monthly, annually, etc. The period chosen can have a significant impact on the ROI. The period chosen can have a significant impact on ROI evaluation.
  • Hidden costs: be sure to take into account all costs associated with the investment, including fees, taxes, and other expenses that could reduce the net return.
  • Objectives and strategy: your investment objectives and strategy can also influence what is considered a good ROI. For example, if you're looking to preserve capital rather than maximize return, a lower but more secure ROI may be more appropriate.
  • Inflation: inflation can skew the real value of the return. It may therefore be useful to consider the real ROI, which takes inflation into account.

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