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Online tools > Statistical Significance Calculator


A significance test, also known as an A/B test, is a statistical method used to compare two versions of a variable to determine which performs better on a given criterion. The first step is to formulate a hypothesis. For example, we might ask whether changing the color of a button on a website would increase the click-through rate. Then, we randomly divide our audience into two groups: Group A (the control group), which will undergo no change, and Group B (the test group), to which we will apply the change (for example, changing the color of the button). We then measure the effect of this change on a criterion, such as click-through rate, by comparing the results obtained by the two groups. Using statistical methods, the results are analyzed to determine whether there is a difference between the performance of the two groups. If the difference is large enough not to be due to chance, we can conclude that the change has had a significant effect!


The basic principle of an A/B test is to randomly divide your audience into two groups: Group A (the control group), which undergoes no change, and Group B (the test group), which receives a modification. This modification could be a change in the design of a website, a modification to a call to action, or any other variable you wish to test. By measuring the reaction of each group to these changes, you can determine whether the modification has had a positive, negative, or no effect on user behavior.

The major advantage of A/B testing lies in its ability to provide concrete evidence of what works and what doesn't. These values can then be used to guide decisions in the future. These values can then guide design and marketing decisions to improve the user experience and increase sales or engagement.

For a significance test to be valid, it’S necessary to ensure that test groups are randomly selected, the number of participants is large enough to detect a difference, and the test is conducted over a long enough period to capture variations in behavior and draw at least one average.

👥 Number of visitors (A)Total number of visitors in Group A
📊 Number of conversions (A)Total number of conversions achieved in Group A
👥 Number of visitors (B)Total number of visitors in Group B
📊 Number of conversions (B)Total number of conversions achieved in Group B
📈 Statistical significance (%)Percentage of visitors who completed the desired action with the test results


Add the number of visitors and the number of conversions from Group A, then the number of visitors and the number of conversions from Group B, and let the calculator give you its result in one click!

calculator method


Optimizing a significance test involves a series of actions designed to improve the reliability and effectiveness of the results.

  • Clearly define your objectives: before launching a test, you need to determine what you’re looking to test and why, whether it’s to increase conversion rates, improve user engagement ,or test the effectiveness of a feature.
  • Select a sample size: using a sample size calculator can help determine the number of participants needed to obtain meaningful results. Too small a sample may not reflect reality, while too large a sample could be a waste of resources.
  • Segment your audience: make sure groups are well segmented to minimize the risk of skewing results. Participants in each group should be randomly selected, but balanced to ensure that the two groups are comparable.
  • Test one variable at a time: to ensure that differences in performance between Groups A and B correspond to the variable being tested, we recommend modifying only one element or feature at a time to make it easier to interpret the results.


How does A/B testing work?

A/B testing is a method of comparing two versions of a marketing element to determine which performs better. Here's how it works:

  • Create two versions: a current version (A) and a modified version (B).
  • Divide the audience: the audience is randomly divided into two groups, each of which sees a different version.
  • Collect and analyze data: measure the performance (registrations, click-through rates, etc.) of each version.
  • Interpret the results: the version with the best results is identified as the most effective.
  • Integrate the best version: replace the old version with the best performing one.

What is statistical significance?

Statistical significance, often encountered in statistics and research, is a measure that helps determine whether the results obtained in an experiment or study are due to chance or to an identifiable cause. It tells you whether what you're observing is probably true or merely the result of coincidence.

For example, if you're comparing the effectiveness of two types of email marketing and find a difference in the results, statistical significance helps you understand whether this difference is significant enough to be taken seriously. If the results are said to be “statistically significant,” this means that it's highly unlikely that the difference is due to chance.

Why is A/B testing considered essential in digital marketing?

A/B testing is considered essential in digital marketing because it offers a data-driven method of understanding what really works with your audience. Rather than relying on hunches or assumptions, you can use A/B testing to make precise changes to your campaigns, websites, or emails, and you can then directly measure their impact on user behavior.

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