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31 October 2022 • Artificial Intelligence

The top 9 AI text generators for all of your various content needs

The top 9 AI text generators for all of your various content needs

Artificial intelligence (AI) is often considered to be the enemy of humans... Wrong!

At its core, AI has been designed to help humans in their daily tasks, especially regarding repetitive actions. Thus, to think that AI is an enemy, is to block and slow down all the possibilities, generated by the assistance of such a tool.

To be able to use 100% of the potential of a kind of AI is to be able to save resources and time in your daily schedule. It should therefore be thought of as a working tool, just like a computer or a pen and paper!

Everyone is permitted to take advantage of or to avoid the potential of such software, but assuming that AI is the enemy of the human being, is to deprive oneself of the richness of what human beings have managed to create!

Companies often need to hire professional copywriters to aid them with their marketing plans, but this support comes at a cost. That's why automatic word processing software offers many advantages for small and medium-sized companies: avoiding expenses for small teams, writer's block, or the loss of time spent waiting to sometimes receive texts that are rather average...

Good writing software allows you to put your company in "boss mode" thanks to the assistance of the AI produced by GPT-3 technology. No grammatical errors, great workflow, multiple languages available, ease of use... In short, an AI text generator doesn’t replace human expertise but helps companies in the creation of their product descriptions, blog posts, or product descriptions in a few minutes.

Here’s the list of the top AI text generators, paid or unpaid solutions, which are becoming increasingly effective.

WiziShop and its AI automatic writing software

WiziShop is the first ecommerce solution in the world to offer its own AI for automatic text production directly in its back office!

This solution is a leader in ecommerce with a specialization around search engine optimization: WiziShop's priority is to allow all online merchants to easily position themselves in the top results of search engines like Google. To do so, the platform itself is equipped with a sound SEO base and offers more than 50 SEO optimizations to its customers, with regular updates to always follow the latest recommendations of search engines.

In its desire to offer ever more effective tools to its customers to aid them in increasing their online sales, WiziShop has launched its own AI for generating text from the seller's administration area.

The text generator has been trained to provide the best content in online sales themes. Users can automatically produce texts such as product descriptions, blog posts, content for their homepage, translations of texts into several languages, etc.

The texts generated by AI from the keywords entered by the users are directly optimized for search engine optimization. Moreover, the editorial quality of AI is surprising: WiziShop merchants can rely on an ultra-powerful feature that’ll allow them to create their AI content in just a few clicks.

As an example, here’s a sample of text generated by WiziShop's AI:

wizishop ai long description example

Great news: This powerful tool is included in your WiziShop subscription at no extra cost!

Thanks to such a feature, online merchants benefit from many advantages: time savings on content creation so that merchants can focus on their sales and marketing, a financial gain due to the optimization of their texts and the rise of their online sales site in the SERPs, and a brand image boosted with the editorial quality proposed as well as the performance of the online sales site that’s quickly updated and refreshed.

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Semji, the SEO copywriting tool

Semji is an ultra-perfected site for copywriting and search engine optimization. This platform dedicated to content marketers offers copywriting optimized for Google: directly from the interface, it’s possible to create content following Semji's advanced recommendations based on its target keywords. Title, questions, keywords, etc. Semji offers a real-time optimization of its content with analysis of new pages but also of existing pages on its site.

In addition, the software is perfected in terms of AI by offering automatic generation of content following SEO recommendations. Thus, it’s possible to follow the recommendations to create the structure of your page and then produce them via Semji's AI. In just a few clicks, you can create ultra-optimized copywriting thanks to AI for all aspects of search engine optimization on your site.

For pricing, contact Semji's team to evaluate your company's needs.

WordAi for online text entry

With WordAi, it’s possible to create texts from scratch. This solution can aid small and medium-sized businesses in the creation of their web content. With the use of artificial intelligence, companies can write articles and other parts of their website in seconds.

One of the advantages of WordAi is the fact that the platform supports multiple languages.

Thus, for all companies that want to write multiple types of content, for multiple targets and multiple sites, WordAi will be able to satisfy users in multiple languages. WordAi uses several features of GPT-3 technology, whether for generating texts with AI or for translating them.

To discover WordAi, you get a 7-day complimentary trial before deciding on a $27/month offer, a $57/month offer, or a customized offer depending on your company's needs.

Copy.ai, the automatic copywriter with SEO help

Copy.ai is a type of automatic text editor software that also has other features to generate texts of optimal quality: the solution is equipped with tools that detect and correct errors in texts, whether spelling mistakes or syntax errors. This software therefore gives all users the opportunity to produce effective content.

Copy.ai's specificity lies in its writing style, tone, and sentence consistency. In addition, this software can create a list of proposals and ideas for your editorial content.

As an application or a plugin for WordPress, this software is also known for its recommendations for search engine optimization.

There are three payment options: $20 per month, $59.25 per month, or a lifetime subscription at $200 as a one-off payment. This powerful application can be tested for free.

Outranking, the auto text creator

The Outranking solution is one of the automatic text generation platforms that takes inspiration from all the SERPs to be able to offer the best content to its users. This AI solution allows you to create unique content and summaries directly optimized for search engines like Google.

Outranking's operation is based on data and web content. This automation of editorial content creation permits companies to be more efficient in their daily tasks.

In addition, Outranking offers integration with Google Docs and WordPress. The analyses concerning SEO are advanced and very complete.

This software will fit perfectly with companies already established on their market and who want to go further in their search engine optimization without having to hire professional writers for their website. The first price offered is $99 as a monthly subscription. Two other plans are available, at $189 per month and $279 per month, depending on the number of domains covered by the offer.

Jasper, the site to write great content

Jasper is a complete tool for creating automatic editorial content. In addition to being able to generate texts, Jasper is also competent in all the editing and presentation of text.

This site is really specialized in this kind of activity, so everything has been thought of to make automatic content creation fast and convenient.

The main drawback is the subscription fee, which is relatively expensive for the first package: $40 per month for a limited number of credits. For additional credits, subscriptions and rates evolve to a professional level. A no-cost trial version is available: you get 10,000 credits to test the solution.

This platform is ideal for content creation professionals and to meet the needs of companies with large quantities of texts to produce every month.

Rytr, the AI writer for all your formats

Rytr works on all content, without exception, from short to long. Rytr's AI allows you to create editorial content to be published but also to find inspiration and new ideas for your content through AI.

This software can be used both externally and internally to allow any marketing strategy to develop in an optimal way thanks to the performance of AI.

Using Rytr is to use a resource that allows you to go further in content creation and manage all your projects from A to Z.

In addition, the offerings include a feature to check for plagiarism online and ensure that you’re always producing unique content. Its price is also accessible, with a no-cost subscription, a $9 subscription, and an unlimited subscription at $29 per month.

Writesonic, the free text generator

In a few seconds with Writesonic, you can produce automated copywriting texts at no charge to you. The content is of great caliber and thought of for businesses. The types of content generated with this AI are numerous, from product descriptions to blog articles and advertising. This software allows you to simplify your content creation and marketing at no cost. This platform has been designed and trained from the content produced by major brands, which makes Writesonic the preferred platform available for free for businesses.

Its complimentary version is able to assist all companies in creating content with optimized grammar and writing caliber. The software also allows you to find ideas for content.

If you want to go further in the creation of texts, Writesonic offers subscriptions with many credits starting from $15 per month for personal use and up to $19 per month for professional structures.

Grammarly, the no-cost writing software

Grammarly is an online text generator, ideal for a first approach to AI. With this generator, you’ll be able to easily build messages for emails, direct messages, documents, projects, or even posts on social networks. In addition, the site allows you to see typos and other grammar improvements directly in the text space.

Grammarly was designed so that all internet users can write texts with ease. Many people are not comfortable with written expression, which is why Grammarly was designed and developed for free. The promise is simple: to give confidence to as many internet users as possible in their everyday communication.

Thus, with this platform, you’ll be able to generate quick texts and correct your content in the blink of an eye.

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