Conversion rate measures the percentage of visitors who complete a desired action on a site. This action can be anything from buying a product to subscribing to a newsletter or downloading an ebook. For example, you have an online store where visitors arrive every day. These visitors are part of your website traffic. But out of this group, who actually becomes a customer and makes a purchase? That's where conversion rate comes in!
Conversion rate is a measurement of performance. It measures the percentage of people who take action after interacting with your marketing content, whether it's a website, an ad, or an email. This figure can tell you a lot. For example, a high conversion rate generally indicates that your marketing target is well-defined and that your message resonates with your audience. Conversely, a low rate may mean that your message or product needs to be reworked to successfully convert visitors into customers. It's also important to understand that conversion rates aren't always linked to sales and revenue. A conversion could be downloading an ebook, signing up for a newsletter on a landing page, or even watching a video. What counts is that the person takes action!
📅 Total number of visitors | Total number of people who visited your site or page |
👤 Total number of conversions | Total number of visitors who took the desired action (purchase, registration, etc.) |
📊 Conversion rate (%) | Percentage of visitors who took the desired action compared to the total number of visitors |
Add the total number of visitors and then the total number of conversions following your campaign. Your conversion rate will then be displayed by clicking on the button in the blink of an eye!
Optimizing your conversion rate isn't just about creating stunning visuals and waiting for your design skills to take effect. No, in digital marketing, the conversion rate is a clever mix of various best practices.
The average conversion rate is a metric that helps companies understand the effectiveness of their marketing actions or websites. Expressed as a percentage, it’s calculated by dividing the number of successful actions (purchases, registrations, etc.) by the total number of visitors or participants.
To calculate conversion rate in ecommerce, the standard formula is to divide the number of successful transactions by the total number of unique visitors to the site, then multiply the result by 100 to obtain a percentage. So, if an ecommerce company recorded 300 sales and was visited by 10,000 unique users over a given period, the conversion rate would be (200/10,000) x 100 = 3%.
In communications, conversion rate refers to the proportion of individuals who take the desired action after being exposed to a message or campaign. As with CPA, this rate is often measured to assess the impact of initiatives such as advertising campaigns, public relations actions, document downloads, social network account subscriptions, etc. The conversion rate in communications isn’t limited to ecommerce or marketing campaigns. Here are a few other applications where this metric is useful:
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