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Click-Through Rate (CTR)

Click-through rate, or CTR, is an indicator that measures the number of clicks an ad or link receives in relation to the number of times it’s displayed. By definition expressed as a percentage, it’s used to evaluate the effectiveness of an online advertising campaign. CTR is often used by marketers to understand whether an ad is relevant to its intended target. A high click-through rate may indicate that the ad content is well aligned with the audience's interest, while a low CTR may describe the opposite. CTR, like CPC or CPM, is one of many indicators to consider when evaluating your marketing actions: it's one tool, among many, for measuring and improving your performance on the web.


Why care about CTR? This figure can give you an indication of the effectiveness of your ads or publications. As we've seen, a high click-through rate suggests that your content is well aligned with your audience, while a low rate could indicate the need to rethink your strategy or ad design. Let's take the example of a web ad or social network post. The CTR is the percentage that indicates how many people who saw your ad or publication actually clicked on it. It's simple: if 100 people see your ad and 5 of them click on it, your CTR is 5%.

🖱 Total number of clicksTotal number of clicks that your ad received
👁 Total number of impressionsTotal number of times that your ad was viewed
📊 Click-through rate (CTR)Percentage of clicks on your ad compared to the total number of impressions


To calculate your CTR, fill in the total number of clicks as well as the total number of impressions for your campaign. Our tool gives you your percentage in just a few seconds to allow you to better analyze your marketing results!

calculator method


Optimizing your CTR means turning the maximum number of visitors into interested web surfers, with at least one click! To achieve this, you can follow some simple and effective tips:

  • Ad relevance: make sure that your ad is relevant to your target audience, with a good relationship between the content of your ad and the interests of your audience.
  • Eye-catching headlines: use headlines that attract attention and pique curiosity, as a well-crafted headline can make all the difference between a user ignoring your ad and one wanting to know more.
  • Strategic placement: position your ads where they’ll be most visible.
  • Clear CTA: entice users to click with a clear and persuasive call-to-action, whether to "Learn more," "Buy now," or "Sign up."
  • Well-segmented audiences: tailor your ads to different segments of your audience, as an ad personalized for a specific segment is more likely to get a higher click-through rate.
  • Test and learn: run different versions of your ad (A/B testing) to see which works best.
  • Think mobile-friendly: with so many users browsing on mobile, your ads need to be optimized for mobile devices, both in terms of design and content.


What is the average CTR?

The average CTR varies according to a number of factors, such as platform and target audience. For example, the average CTR on a Google Ads ad may be different from that on a social network like Facebook. In general, for ads on the Google Ads search network, an average CTR is between 1% and 5%. For ads on the Google Display network, it can be much lower, often less than 1%. On social media platforms, CTR can also vary: on Facebook, for example, the average CTR for ads can vary depending on the business sector, but it’s often around 0.5% to 1%.

What’s a good churn CTR?

The "right" click-through rate depends just as much on factors linked to the ad's target or its strategic location. However, there are some key elements you can take into account to boost your CTR and gain a better understanding of it. Compare your CTR with the averages in your sector to get an idea of how you stack up against your competitors. If your objective is brand awareness, a lower click-through rate can still be positive, as you're aiming for wide exposure. If your objective is conversion or engagement, you'll probably be aiming for a higher click-through rate. As mentioned above, the ideal click-through rate on Google Ads may be different from a good CTR on Facebook, and the same applies to other platforms. Video ads, for example, may have a different click-through rate than text ads or images. Generally speaking, a higher CTR indicates that your ad is relevant to your target audience and attracts their attention. However, a high CTR is not the only indicator of success: it's also important to look at other metrics, such as cost per click (CPC), conversion rate, return on investment (ROI) and customer lifetime value (CLV).

What’s the link between positioning and CTR?

Ad positioning and CTR are closely linked:

  • First position: ads that appear at the top of search results or in prime locations on a page generally have higher visibility. They’re therefore more likely to be seen and clicked, which can lead to a higher CTR.
  • User intent: users who click on the first results or ads often show immediate interest.
  • User confidence: well-positioned results are often perceived as more relevant or reliable by users.
  • Competition: in highly competitive SERPs or on highly competitive themes, even if an ad is well positioned, it may still have a lower CTR if other competing ads are also highly relevant to the target audience. It's up to you to stand out from the crowd!

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