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15 December 2021 • Create Your Online Store

“About Us”: Tips for making this page of your site a success and examples!

“About Us”: Tips for making this page of your site a success and examples!

Although often overlooked, the “About Us” section of a website is essential to online retailers.

It’s this section that informs users about your history, your mission, and your values. The “About Us” page is therefore a true platform centered on you, a space to express your brand and explain to visitors what your business is all about.

In fact, it’s often this page that can create an emotional bond with your customers. It’s the opportunity to help build loyalty with people visiting your online store.

For these reasons, give your “About Us” page some TLC and fill it with your best arguments that’ll serve your branding!

Create a key page, like the biography in a book

As the owner of an ecommerce business, there are all kinds of ecommerce tips that you’ll want to keep in mind. One important item on your checklist will be that you’ll need to work on your branding and thus develop the essence of your brand.

You’ll have to consider your professional social networks and your business cards as you start to build your ecommerce brand. You’ll also certainly think about your online marketing strategy and your different campaigns for Facebook Ads or even Google Ads.

As content marketing is a crucial ingredient to the recipe for ecommerce success, don’t hesitate to check out our article on some excellent content marketing examples out there for extra inspiration.

First things first, though…have you thought of creating an “About Us” page that looks like you, focused on your qualities?

This “About Us” page should describe your actions, your strengths, the size of your company, and your background, and it should help with your SEO.

Fortunately, when you build your online store with WiziShop, you’ll be able to create an “About Us” page that’s completely customized to your brand. With our unique system involving Pages+ and WiziBlocks, you can modify the design to suit your needs and taste, crafting a page that truly reflects you and your business!

How do you write an About Us page?

All too often, e-merchants feel obliged to fill out a page that they don’t necessarily understand the full power of.

However, more than an obligation, the “About Us” page is a fantastic space of expression that allows you to highlight your professional advantages compared to competing sites.

It’s at this precise point that you’ll reach the people who you’ll transform into buyers, perhaps even into ambassadors.

Here is where you must define precise objectives; thus, this page will be a quality commercial aid for your success.

It’s therefore essential to build this page well.

Here are some examples of good questions to ask yourself to frame your page:

  • What is the size of your business?
  • How long have you been in the industry?
  • What led you to create your project?
  • What is your background?
  • What makes your company so special?
  • What are your values, what gets you going every day?

All this information is an integral part of your project. These are the arguments that’ll weigh in the balance for consumers.

Choose the right title

Of course, an “About Us” page doesn’t have to be called that. It’s up to you to customize the title and adjust the language of the copy that you opt to include on the page.

Depending on your arguments, you might choose one of the following examples:

  • Our story
  • Who are we?
  • Why choose us?

A single title to establish your identity!

You can also use it to position yourself on interesting search queries for SEO.

Your story: your company presentation

There are many ways to tell your story to site visitors.

Here, as you work on the design and layout of the page, it’ll be a question of structuring your thinking and your communication around the DNA of your brand.

It should serve your ecommerce store and convince prospective customers to buy the product that they saw on your homepage.

These visitors already like the product and think your store is nice…they only need these few elements that’ll create an emotion in them, a feeling of belonging.

Storytelling: how do you write a company’s story?

This is where excellent storytelling comes into play.

Storytelling is a marketing method based on narration. In other words, it’s the art of communicating by appealing to people’s emotions as they read your thoughtfully crafted text.

This technique is therefore conducive to writing your story and creating your dedicated page, such as with the following examples:

  • Introduce yourself: We’re based in the UK...We’ve created...
  • Explain the problem that your business wants to solve: We found that...Price quotes were excessive in our field...
  • Describe how you’ve carried out this adventure: Since...We are proud of the path that we’ve taken...
  • Describe how your solutions address the problem mentioned above: This is why we’ve created tailor-made support...
  • Explain the axis of development that you have chosen for the future, where you want to go: Today, we want to...

Humanize your company

Don’t hesitate to highlight your team members online with a photo or a video!

It’s an opportunity to give a face (or several!) to your brand, and consequently, to add a human touch to your business!

  • Your mission: what is the mission that thrills you every day?
  • Your buyers: who are they? Can they recommend you?
  • Your team: They’re the face of your employer brand and provoke sympathy. They’re also the support offered to your customers.

Your website's social proof

Enhance your reputation

Your reputation is, of course, your first showcase.

Even on your “About Us” page, the power of your reputation must be readable.

This webpage should show your consumer reviews and simultaneously show the satisfaction rate obtained.

Your values must also be designed to convey a strong sense of belonging, a lifestyle linked to your brand, for example. Your prospects carry your brand, and it’s necessary to make it known, because they themselves will likely be proud of this fact too.

It’s up to you to promote it!

Here are a few ways to boost your social proof:

  • UGC: User-generated content is your best weapon! This is content produced by your buyers who position themselves as ambassadors. Often of high quality, it allows you to create a universe around your brand. In addition, since it’s based solely on the sympathy that your customers have for you, it’s free!
  • Consumer reviews: Your best showcase! Happy consumers are the assurance of a brand that reassures, that makes you want to trust. Opt for a third-party review tool to show your good faith, like Trustpilot for example!
  • Your contact information: Stay reachable and available! Being available inspires proximity and trust from your customers. In case of a problem or simply in case of a request for information or a quote, the user will be delighted to be able to contact you quickly. Simply add a map, a phone number, and an email address!

The law of attraction

User-generated content is a keystone in your marketing plan. Your “About Us” should reflect your consumer reviews, your press releases, and, if possible, quality UGC on your social networks.

The hardest part will certainly be to find the right combination of arguments so as not to give too much information, which could overwhelm people reading your copy.

Think about your “About Us” page as an added value that must be persuasive and therefore an attractive overview of your identity, your services, and your products in the first place. Just because you seek to attract cyber shoppers doesn’t mean that seriousness should be missing from this page.

Catch the eye of your visitors with a visually appealing layout design, accompanied by titles, subtitles, photos, or videos. Opt for bulleted lists to convey your ideas effectively to people on your site.

Don’t hesitate to quote key figures that make sense for your company. Present your team in a dynamic way, such as by broadcasting a video or sharing an infographic that’s easy to read and understand.

In addition, think about creating interaction with your visitors, adding call-to-action buttons to generate subscriptions to your newsletter, for example.

How should you present your website? Concrete examples of “About Us” pages


  • Founder’s story

Highlighting the origin of the ZIWI adventure is an integral part of the marketing strategy of this pet food company based in New Zealand, as they make a point to state that the brand has stayed true to the founder’s vision since the very beginning.

Detailing the founder’s passion not just for creating high-quality pet food but also for New Zealand and its agriculture, this introduction makes customers want to be part of the adventure.

ZIWI speaks to pet owners’ desire to provide their furry friends with the best food possible to create a strong adhesion with their target market.

ziwi founders story
  • Explanation of approach

As in any marketing action, ZIWI’s main message should be striking.

What is your activity? What do you do? Where do you want to bring your customers? What are your solutions to the problems encountered by users?

The brand answers all these questions perfectly, and in a very efficient way. Clarity is the key!

ziwi brand approach
  • Achievement and your evolution

Each new step in your story is an accomplishment!

Think of indicating the key dates of your adventure in your own country but also internationally. Highlight your successes. They’re what make you proud and what will make your prospects want to buy and take part in the adventure.


If, like Sézane, your brand wants to be classic and timeless, then opting for minimalism will certainly be your first choice. However, think about finding a happy medium between too little and not enough.

Sézane, for example, uses for a two-part page. In the first part, the brand highlights its DNA by evoking its French ties and objectives.

In the second part, Sézane presents its founder, Morgane Sézalory, as well as her creative approach that led her to launch her ready-to-wear label.

sezane who are we


For this ready-to-wear brand, the “About Us” page presents all the activities performed internally to ensure that the business always offers optimal service.

This page also tries to reassure consumers around the world because, in the beginning, the warehouses were based only in China. Now international, SHEIN presents itself as a reference in the world of clothing with photos of its premises to bring the customer closer to the reality of the field.

shein about us


In the case of the French telecommunication network giant, the “Who are we?” page is a part of the site in its own right, with different tabs. This is because the actions of the group are multiple.

In your case, if your actions are present in different sectors, don’t hesitate to multiply the pages of the “About Us” section, as if you were dealing with a mini-blog on your site.

orange about us


For the luxury house, it’s a question of highlighting the main assets that forge its DNA: its independence, its family spirit, and its respect for tradition.

The presentation page uses images to illustrate the characteristics of the Hermès success story, with corporate photos and illustrations created by artists associated with the company.

If your visual content features high-quality photos, videos, drawings, or archives, put them forward. Beautiful visuals are better than long speeches to attract internet users.

hermes about us


For the French multi-brand streetwear company, the “About Us” page lists the most  fundamental points. Through this page, the brand reveals its positioning while offering reassuring information, like the date of creation and the number of sales points of the network.

Think of the internet user who doesn’t know you and put yourself in their shoes: what details could make you choose this site rather than another? Include all the necessary characteristics to reveal all your qualities as an e-tailer in a few lines: be clear and precise!

courir about us


In the case of the electricity supplier, the aim is to reassure future customers about the values of the firm. In several tabs, the page targets key characteristics, also including current events as well as all the answers to consumers’ recurring questions regarding their use of electricity resources in particular.

engie about us

In addition to the classic structure of your “About Us” page, you can create a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page to provide direct answers to common user questions. Above all, don’t forget to invite them to contact you either directly or by chat in order to make yourself available for any complaint!

One page for a hundred benefits!

In short, be persuasive!

It may take a bit of time to come up with the right design for your “About Us” page, one that’s ideal for your one-of-a-kind ecommerce business. Nevertheless, it’s worth it to work on creating high-quality copy that’s both enjoyable to read and informative for your site visitors and share photos or videos to help further captivate your target market. 

Let the historical, graphic, and moral identity of your business, what you get up for every morning, shine through. Your “About Us” will do the convincing for you!

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