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November 17, 2021 • Grow Your Sales

What is a single-product site and what are the advantages in ecommerce?

What is a single-product site and what are the advantages in ecommerce?

In the jungle of generalist stores with catalogs filled with hundreds or even thousands of products, whether they be the top ecommerce sites or those just starting out, single-product (or mono-product) sites stand out to potential customers searching for goods online...

Powerful SEO, copywriting dedicated to a single product, qualified visitors,...There are many advantages to help you boost your sales on your flagship products. Above all, we see a higher conversion rate on a single-product stores.

It’s to such an extent that the single-product store is popular, with both

  • new web entrepreneurs who start selling online with a single product and
  • e-merchants already in place who develop one or several stores exclusively dedicated to their best product(s) to increase their sales.

Good news! The MonoProduct feature is now available on WiziShop!

Not just any product, though...The MonoProduct by WiziShop, please! As usual, we’ve done things in a big way and brought some new specificities.

But what is a single-product sales website? What are the advantages? How do you choose the product(s) to sell? How do you create a single-product online store? 

Here’s a complete article with EVERYTHING you need to know to tilt the odds in your favor and take a good portion of the market share from your competitors!

Single-product website: definition

Its name isn’t very mysterious.

A single-product website is an online store exclusively dedicated to the sale of a single product.

Example of a single-product website: Snooz

single product site example Snooz

Example of a single-product site: PalmPress & Coffee

single product site example palmpress

As you can see, in terms of ecommerce website design, generally speaking, a single-product site highlights its offer on a single homepage, thought of as a landing page.

The objective is uncomplicated: to simplify the understanding of the visitor and provide all the information related to the added value of the product in question. This allows you to create an efficient sales tunnel with numerous calls-to-action strategically placed to facilitate the purchase.

In addition, single-product sites often feature a responsive web design and are ultra-optimized for mobile use on smartphones and tablets with a very fast loading speed to further encourage potential and current customers alike to buy.

As we’ve seen, a single-product website has serious advantages. Let’s go a little more into detail, though...

Single-product website: The advantages

In addition to the mobile adaptation, the real advantage of a single-product site is that all the efforts in the marketing levers that you put in place for your online store are exclusively dedicated to a single offer.

Here are the benefits that come with it...

The power of single-product SEO

When we talk about the single-product site, we immediately think of the power of this type of merchant website in terms of SEO.

Yep, it’s easier to optimize your site on Google with a single type of product rather than an online store that offers multiple different products.

The optimization among the first positions of Google is thus easier and faster.

It’s obvious...

The domain name of your site is related to your activity. The content of the site is focused only on strategic keywords and important expressions.

It’s therefore common to see single-product sites manage to position themselves regularly, among (or even in front of) the giants of online sales.

It makes perfect sense when we remember the key criterion of Google in terms of SEO: relevance.

A single-product website compiles, more easily, the positive criteria in the eyes of the Google algorithm:

  • Content entirely dedicated to a specific theme: thus, the site is identified as a reference in its domain, with precise and complete documentation and a rich lexical field.
  • Internal linking at the heart of semantics: on a single-product website, the landing page is all the more relevant when it’s linked to many other pages on the same site, which talk about the same theme. And this page, itself, contributes to this asset, by its own existence. A single-product site is therefore a “complete semantic silo” in itself.
  • Naturally themed link building: the profile of links pointing to a single-product site is naturally in line with the semantics of the site.

This SEO power places single-product sites on targeted queries

and more particularly, long-tail keywords.

This is how single-product sites capture, much more easily, a qualified audience with a high conversion power.

And this leads us to talk about other advantages of such a site, which are numerous.

The other advantages of a single-product site

Let’s say I’m looking for a green, patterned umbrella.

If I locate a single-product site, my chances of finding what I’m looking for are tenfold. On a multi-product site, I might have had to browse through several pages and search the entire catalog before finding an umbrella that meets my expectations.

Moreover, on a single-product site, I quickly understand that I’ve stumbled upon a true umbrella expert. This goes even further than simple specialization...it’s ultra-specialization! This in turn gives me complete confidence to order from the e-merchant.

To take it a step further, when faced with a niche store, a single-product store will inspire even more confidence. They’re the green-umbrella specialists!

This is how conversion is much easier on a single-product site than on a multi-product site. You’ll see your conversion rate explode!

And that’s not all...

The single-product design template will help offer real reading comfort and a hierarchy of information that’s optimized, clear, and linear.

The understanding and assimilation of information is easier. The user experience and navigation are therefore more enjoyable, and you can easily achieve a “Wow” effect with your site!

The user reads the product page, step by step. They learn information and gain confidence because of the following:

  • The message transmitted is much easier to assimilate.
  • You highlight your product with quality visuals (photos, videos, etc.).
  • You meet a single need.
  • Above all, you dedicate all your copywriting to a single product. This is much easier than highlighting several different products. You focus on the added value of your product, in a very precise way, without spreading yourself too thin.

You create an ultra-efficient sales tunnel.

Result: the user wants to buy!

As I told you (and this is strategic!), you concentrate all your marketing efforts on a single product.

Let’s take online advertising on Google Ads, Facebook Ads, or other social networks, for example.

A single-product site is perceived as a real landing page with hyper-relevant content in relation to the request targeted by the advertisement. Plus, you get a much more optimized and educated conversion pixel.

With all these assets, you realize that the conversion rate of a single-product site is much more interesting.

There are other advantages to a single-product site:

  • You create your ecommerce site much faster. You’ll inevitably have to work on your content, your sales pitch...However, it’s much easier to do this for one product instead of a hundred!
  • It’s much less time consuming than a niche or generalist store.
  • You place yourself as an expert and true reference in your field.
  • You know your product perfectly.
  • You save time on your orders and your after-sales service (therefore reducing costs).
  • You create, much more easily, a real brand image.
  • You have only one supplier or manufacturer.
  • You can optimize the packaging because you have only one format.
  • You only have one product to manage, so it’s easy to store.
  • It's also very easy to outsource to a logistician.

Finally (and most importantly!), you can duplicate this strategy and this model, very easily, for other sites...

Imagine...one single-product site = one landing page.

You then realize the power of the single-product site over the development of your sales revenue!

But be careful...operating a single-product site can also present constraints such as, for example, difficulties in developing customer loyalty (you don’t buy an umbrella every month...) or selling a product that’s not very sustainable because trends come and go quickly.

Thus, the choice of product(s) to sell is strategic...

We’re now going to see how to choose the right products to sell as a single product to develop a profitable activity in the long term.

How do you choose the products to sell in a single-product store?

As I mentioned at the beginning of the article, there are two scenarios:

  • You’re an e-merchant who launches with a single-product offer, maybe even in dropshipping. You hope to have sales coming in quickly. 
  • You’re already a well-established e-merchant with a well-functioning multi-product store. Your goal is to launch one or more single-product stores to maximize your sales on your flagship products. 

If you’re dealing with the second case, you’re in the right place! You start with a real advantage because you’re not going to position yourself on a strategy of selling a trendy product, which is often limited in time and where it’s difficult to build a community.

Instead, you’ll focus on your feedback and your statistics. Thus, you’ll concentrate on two types of products:

  • your best-sellers: the products that sell the best on your online store
  • the products on which you make the highest margin

What could be better than focusing all your marketing efforts and all the advantages mentioned above on the products that are your best assets to boost your sales and your turnover?

Be careful, however, as these aren’t the only criteria that you’ll want to consider.

First of all, keep in mind that some product lines are already saturated because they’re overexploited by the competition. I hear, for example, that ecommerce is already flooded with cell phone cases or electronic cigarettes.

To check the competitive pressure, do a quick and simple study: look for the number of sites dedicated to a particular product. If, on Google, you come across more than five single-product sites on the first page of search results, you may want to reconsider your product choice.

You should also consider practical and economical criteria:

  • How easy is it to source? If you’re not the manufacturer, your supplier must be able to handle increased sales.
  • Is your choice economically profitable? If you position yourself on inexpensive products, you must compensate with a high volume of sales. This is why you must also consider the margin rate with fixed costs that are as low as possible.
  • Does your positioning on prices, quality, or innovation allow you to propose an offer that really differentiates you from your competitors?
  • Are you legitimate in this market? As an experienced e-tailer, you should have no problem with this.
  • Is the lifetime value (LTV), an indicator that corresponds to the total amount received throughout your relationship with a customer, beneficial? You’ll earn more from loyal customers who return to buy from you than from new customers. This is why you have a significant advantage if you sell a consumable product (example: coffee) as a single product.

Once you have your product to sell on a dedicated ecommerce store, you just have to find a second, a third...and so on to multiply your strategy, create just as many single-product sites, and watch your revenue boom!

How do you create a successful single-product online store?

Let’s review.

You’re now completely convinced of the advantages of creating several single-product stores.We get it...and we strongly encourage you to do so, since you already know that we’re fully convinced of the effectiveness and potential of such a strategy ourselves.

You’ve also selected your first product that deserves special marketing attention.

So you’re ready to get started.

But how?

As always, with the WiziShop ecommerce solution, it’s very simple and fast to create your single-product store.

You have two possibilities...

  • You already have a niche or multi-product store and you want to transform it into a single-product store. You can make the transition in one click. You choose the product you want to sell, and your store is automatically created with an optimized design template. What’s more, the SEO is also optimized, since the sitemap of your store is automatically adapted
  • You launch a new store, and at that time, you indicate that it’ll be a single-product store. Again, the design will be automatically optimized. And of course, to make your work as an e-merchant easier, all the stocks of each store are synchronized in your administration area.

Below is one of our French stores, which demonstrates what a turnkey single-product store could look like on WiziShop.

single product store example wizishop

Of course, in both cases, you can customize your design, as easily and as you wish, using WiziBlocks.

With a vast array of templates available, the possibilities are infinite.

Your store will be unique and won’t look like any other.

WiziShop users are able to create their own single-product store and manage it very easily with our variety of ecommerce features and tools.

If you’re looking to create your own single-product website on WiziShop, why not get started today? 

You have 15 days of free testing, which doesn’t commit you to anything. To register and take advantage of these benefits of our MonoProduct feature, click here to begin.

We wish you great success with your online business venture and WiziShop’s MonoProduct feature!

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