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Top ecommerce training available in 2024: How to train yourself online for free

Top ecommerce training available in 2024: How to train yourself online for free

There are over 1.8 million ecommerce websites featuring all kinds of products in the US alone. 

The competition is tremendous, making it particularly difficult to ensure that your business succeeds ahead of your competitors. 

However, despite the significant number of ecommerce stores online, a large portion of them belong to amateurs in the online retail business. These new merchants may not be aware of or know how to develop the skills required in ecommerce

We often see store websites featuring content that’s not really of the highest quality. This includes logos that are three times too big for the homepage, spelling errors that make potential customers flee, unprofessional imagery, prices way above the market average, weak delivery options, missing payment methods, and more.

Many aspiring online retailers are unaware of the shortcomings of their websites, but they may start to ask themselves why their online stores aren’t selling

However, if you want to succeed in ecommerce today, it’s no longer possible to get away with these amateur mistakes! 

But how do you make sure that you avoid these errors and make your online store the best that it can be? It’s quite simple. 

One does not just simply become an online retailer. 

It’s a real profession that takes time, training, and education, especially given the wide range of skills that it requires. Online retailers need to learn to become masters of web development and website management. 

They should also be proficient in writing inspiring content, acquiring traffic, and creating an effective ecommerce marketing and communications strategy. 

Finally, it’s essential that they’re adept in client support, the management of their e-reputation, and of course…running an ecommerce store. 

It’s a real blend of all kinds of different web skills!

People often wonder how online retailers can do this all on their own, without a team by their side. 

Of course, the simplest solution would be to surround yourself and your business with different partners and experts for each field. That would free up your time to allow you to concentrate on the heart of your business: sales.

For example, if you opt for the WiziShop solution, you have a team of Business Coaches at your side, daily, to audit your online store, help you with your digital strategy, and assist you should any problems arise. 

Besides this, WiziShop has decided to take it a step further in supporting their e-merchants to help them learn how to boost their sales. 

Furthermore, WiziShop is the first ecommerce solution in the world to offer this service free of charge. 

You’re not going to believe it...

WiziShop offers a full ecommerce training course!

And yes, you read correctly: it’s FREE. 

What does this mean for you? 

Before we get to the heart of it, let’s take a look at the best reasons for educating yourself about all the different nuances of online retail. 

Why is it important to educate yourself? 

Besides the different aspects already discussed in the introduction, there’s another factor to take into account. 

It’s a factor that even the most experienced online retailers, who’ve already made tons of money selling online, and even heads of marketing must educate themselves about constantly. Training is essential for online retail, whatever your level, skills, or experience. 

Ecommerce, digital marketing, and communication are market sectors that are in constant evolution. There are always new innovations being announced, new trends to follow, new features to integrate… 

It is essential that you educate yourself about these innovations to improve your online store. 


Quite simply, you must learn about the new innovations if you want to be able to adapt your ecommerce business and stay in the game. 

For instance, say Amazon has integrated a new feature that increases their sales by 30% and enables them to retain their clients. Why wouldn’t you also want to start to integrate this new feature into your own store so that you can increase your revenue? 

Another example is dropshipping. It’s the current trend in ecommerce at the moment. Why not educate yourself about dropshipping in order to take advantage of it? 

You would learn how to grow your product catalogue, without having to buy any stock, and could offer a wider and complete range of products. 

It would enable your business to become a leader in your market and inspire others.

Finally, another trend is social shopping with the emergence of online stores on social networks such as Facebook and Instagram. 

By integrating these new strategies, you’ll be able to increase the sales revenue for your business and place yourself at the heart of current trends.

This will be proof of your expertise, your professionalism, and your creativity. 

These are some strategic examples, but even the smallest evolution can be beneficial for your ecommerce store. There may be, for instance, a new tool or best practices to follow for client support. Always be on the lookout for new features to review your business and constantly help it grow it in the right direction.

This will also reassure the customers and potential customers of your online store. 

You can now see that taking the time to avail of ecommerce training is a necessity for all stages of the creation for the success of your ecommerce store. You launch, you develop, and you stay in the race. 

How should you train? What are the traps to avoid? 

Here are all the resources you need to make the right choice for online training! 

Beware of the different traps you could fall into! 

When you start to research ecommerce courses online, you’re going to stumble across a number of different trainers or tutors that offer their services for a few thousand dollars. 

These tutors will generally be self-proclaimed ecommerce experts that have launched multiple online stores that have generated millions of dollars of revenue. 

They are masters at copywriting and may convince you, without much difficulty, to buy their training course or pack of courses. 

There could be some truth to their claims. 

However, know that the millions of dollars they’ll eventually earn will mostly be thanks to you, having spent a fortune on buying their training course online… 

Stay clear of con artists and scams!

There’s another limit to these training courses: they’re often frozen in time and thus don’t necessarily adapt to market changes. 

As we’ve seen before, this could become a problem when you want to start to develop your online sales. 

You should also note that when they do update their training course, they’ll likely make you pay a supplement in order to access it. 

Frankly, it’s dishonest, and we’re not big fans of this kind of scheme. 

For this reason, here’s what we provide to help your business meet the challenges of the online world and to educate yourself without spending a single cent… 

WiziShop offers an evolving training course! 

Yes! WiziShop, your favorite ecommerce solution, provides a complete free ecommerce training program. 

Free training? It’s never been seen before for an ecommerce course.

What’s more is that the WiziShop training program evolves over time. We’re constantly updating it so that you and your store can adapt to the constant market changes and stay ahead of the game. 

The course is complete. We go through all the different stages of launching and developing your business online, from the start of your project and your website right up until you start building your revenue. 

Over a 6-week period, we’ll help you achieve sales, week after week, month after month. 

The course includes the following subjects:

  • How to manage the design and features of your website and customize them yourself
  • How to implement all the logistical elements of ecommerce: stock management, payment, delivery, etc. 
  • SEO—the differences between SEO and SEA, how to improve your on-site and off-site SEO, and the implementation of backlinks
  • A tour of Google Ads—how it works and how to create and manage campaigns
  • How to create a marketing campaign with Facebook Ads and how to use Instagram to create a community around your brand 
  • The art of copywriting, persuasion, and writing compelling product descriptions
  • How to develop and manage your wider marketing strategy within your budget
  • Last but not least, how to retain your clients and ensure that they remain loyal to your brand

Now you’ve seen what’s included in our training program, you don’t need to look anywhere else. You’ll be unbeatable once you’ve completed all the different stages, and you’ll have the tools in hand to manage and develop your ecommerce business. 

Why provide this kind of program? 

You must be saying “They’re crazy! A training course of this kind is worth thousands of dollars. Why do they provide it for free?” 

You’re right. A training course like this normally costs between $1,000 and $2,500. 

In addition, there’s often a supplementary fee every time a new module is added. 

The same goes for any web marketing or social media training course.

So why?

Well, remember…

WiziShop was created in 2008...already more than a decade ago! 

Our objective has not changed over the past 13+ years: we want to make online retail accessible to everyone. 

This has always been the foundation of our philosophy. Since 2008, all of our actions and services are guided by this principle. 

We want to provide courses so that our clients are equipped with everything they need to learn to succeed in their new ecommerce adventure. 

How do I follow the WiziShop training program? 

Let’s get to it! 

The training program is free of course, but it’s reserved for WiziShoppers!

You can go and check it out in your administration area. As discussed, it’s included in your basic subscription plan, at no additional cost. 

As you’re crossing off other items on your ecommerce checklist, you won’t want to miss out on our top-notch training to set yourself up for the best chance of success.

To make the most of this program, you first need to sign up with WiziShop. Then, you’ll be able to start the training immediately, even while you’re still in your 7-day free trial.

Get started today!

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