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Importance of search engine optimization in ecommerce: 5 key benefits it offers

Importance of search engine optimization in ecommerce: 5 key benefits it offers

Regardless of the size of your ecommerce business, the importance of incorporating search engine optimization (SEO) into your online marketing strategy cannot be diminished. 

It’s easy to view SEO as playing second fiddle to other aspects of ecommerce digital marketing, such as social media, paid ads, and email, as all these methods produce prompt results. 

While these practices all play a role in most marketing strategies, SEO can produce incredible results for internet commerce sites. Of course, this is only possible for those ecommerce businesses that are willing to put in the time and effort to develop their SEO marketing.

What is SEO?

The first step toward comprehending the incredible importance of SEO in your ecommerce business’s online marketing campaigns involves understanding what SEO actually is. 

Search engine optimization describes the combined strategies for making your website more visible to search engines on the web. Google is by far the most dominant search engine, so its algorithms often receive the most attention related to SEO marketing efforts.

Many of today’s online consumers conduct internet searches to find a specific product or explore a range of products that may meet their current needs. 

These searches are conducted by entering a few keywords into the search query field. Within seconds, the search engine will return what it perceives to be the most relevant results based on its algorithms.

How does Google determine which websites will be listed at the top of its results pages for a keyword search? 

Its algorithms search for a wide range of factors when examining the keywords used. These may include how recently the website was updated, how many backlinks a website has, if the website is secure, the content listed in the website and tags, and other elements. 

Google’s algorithms are incredibly complex, and they’re updated numerous times each year as Google continues to improve the user experience.

The complexity of the algorithms and the fact that SEO is seemingly a moving target create true challenges for ecommerce businesses. With this in mind, it may seem more effective to focus your marketing resources on other strategies for your site. 

After you take a closer look at the benefits of an effective SEO strategy, however, you’ll understand why SEO deserves your full attention.

Why is SEO important for ecommerce sites?

The power of SEO for ecommerce sites is found in stats for the first and second pages of search results for keywords. 

A recent Forbes article refers to a Moz study, which found that results on the first page receive between 71 and 92% of online traffic. If your SEO strategy lands your website on the second page of search engine results, this drops to a measly 6%.

It’s clearly beneficial to focus on being ranked well in Google web searches!

Your other online marketing methods for your commerce site require regular attention from you or your team. They also may demand a steady stream of funds from your marketing budget. 

The difference with SEO is that it brings organic traffic to your ecommerce website. Once you develop a solid plan for your SEO and content marketing, the results are yours to enjoy without daily oversight or infringement on your bottom line.

Specifically, there are five key benefits that SEO provides to ecommerce businesses like yours. So what exactly can SEO do for your online store?

1. Improves traffic and leads to more sales

Without an effective SEO strategy, your business may very well be missing out on an incredible stream of targeted site traffic. 

Consider that almost half of online consumers include a search when shopping for a product. When your target audience searches for your products, will they find your website on their results pages?

This is an undeniably huge stream of site traffic that you may not be targeting effectively right now. Keep in mind that this is an engaged audience who is actively searching for specific keywords on which you’re focusing. 

As a result, you have the potential to convert many of these web leads into product sales for your site.

2. Improves the overall user experience

Google’s algorithms have become increasingly refined in recent years. Now, the highest-ranking websites listed on search engine results pages often have the specific information or products that the users are looking for. 

In addition to delivering targeted traffic to your website, Google provides a better user experience. Your visitors may have only had to make a few clicks to find your site, so they’re likely not as frustrated when they arrive.

Google has a few special features that you can take advantage of to provide an enhanced user experience. 

For example, the “People Also Ask” and the “Google My Business” listings provide consumers with additional information. This can also help them to make the most of their search efforts when they try to find a product or service on the web.

What’s more, technical elements of SEO, such as page-loading speeds, can also influence your site visitors’ experience. One of the pillars of ecommerce is speed, so prioritizing a fast-loading website in your SEO efforts is key!

3. Is among the more affordable marketing strategies

An important aspect of any successful business’s growth plan involves eliminating waste and allocating resources in the most beneficial areas. One of the most significant problems with paid advertising is that you must continue to invest time and money into those campaigns. 

When you stop, the site traffic dries up. This isn’t the case with SEO marketing.

You don’t need to have a large marketing budget to succeed with SEO. However, you must develop a thoughtful strategy for the optimization of your web content. 

You may need to hire an SEO marketing specialist initially if you aren’t willing to invest the time and energy yourself. 

Your strategy and content will need to be analyzed regularly and tweaked periodically. However, the cost per lead and cost per conversion is substantially lower, with less overall time commitment as well.

4. Boosts website credibility and builds customer trust

Google has spent several decades improving its algorithms to deliver an amazing user experience. As a result, users tend to view the highest-ranking site listings in the search results as being legitimate and trustworthy. 

Ecommerce businesses that are lesser known often struggle to establish a sense of legitimacy with their customer base. However, the credibility that comes from a top placement in search engine results can directly counter any doubts and help increase product sales

5. Is no longer optional in today’s ecommerce market

Given the importance of online searches in today’s ecommerce businesses, placement on results pages can’t be an afterthought. 

Google does penalize websites that glaringly try to manipulate its algorithms, such as through keyword stuffing and other efforts. However, there are numerous organic methods that can be used to get your website moved to the top of the results pages.

Many users rely on search queries when trying to find products. They may not even consider visiting your website if it isn’t listed on the first page of results. 

The results of SEO marketing are lasting. Search engine optimization is a cost-effective approach and a requirement for an ecommerce site today to remain competitive in the online marketplace.

Final thoughts

As you review your online content and update your approach to marketing, focus firmly on improving your SEO strategy for your site. It may take several months to see the full results of efforts made today, but these are potentially amazing outcomes that can yield dividends.

Note that if you build your online store with WiziShop, you don’t have to worry about becoming an expert in everything related to SEO. WiziShop optimizes all the technical aspects of SEO for you, leaving you to focus on other aspects of your business.

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