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September 19, 2022 • Resources

Free slogan generator: 5 Online tools for your brand identity

Free slogan generator: 5 Online tools for your brand identity

For your company to attract as many visitors as possible, it’s essential that it has its own identity and some elements that differentiate it from your main competitors. Moreover, as an entrepreneur, you probably want your company to be the first in the mind of your buyers or prospects, when they think of one of the services you offer.

All companies are looking for the same basic elements in ecommerce: a qualified visit that will convert into a purchase before building customer loyalty so that their next visit to your website will still pay off. To do this, the quality of the visuals, the logo, or the graphic charter must be precise. All elements must be inspiring.

For this, nothing is more effective than using a punchy and easy-to-remember slogan as a signature for your presence on the web, in posts on social networks, or in your advertising campaign. This element greatly contributes to increasing a brand’s notoriety.

However, creating a slogan isn’t necessarily an easy task! If you don't know where to start, there are online slogan generators that will help you find the right ideas.

Slogan generators: how do they work?

During the life of your business, once you've come up with a company name, you're bound to need to come up with slogans at some point. To accompany your logo, to animate a campaign, to create a business card or a poster template... all communication supports can give ideas!

For example, it can be an original and general slogan for your company or an advertising slogan whose use is temporary. In any case, slogan generators are valuable tools to help you with your ideas.

What is a corporate slogan and why have one?

A corporate slogan is a short, catchy phrase that should, in a few words, describe and represent your brand.

Just as a logo says a lot about your company, your tagline should be able to express your brand's personality, ideology, missions, and values very quickly. For this, each word in its composition must be selected with great care.

In addition, remember that the slogan is one of the first impressions that your customers and prospects will have of your brand. It’s very important to give them an immediate positive impression.

The slogan is therefore an integral part of your brand image. It must be able to attract attention, be strong and effective and be easily memorable.

All these elements are essential to increase your brand awareness, like a web business card that will allow you to share the essence of your brand with your customers at a glance and give weight to your advertising campaign.

Slogan generator: how it works

A slogan generator is a very practical tool that allows you to generate, in just a few minutes, hundreds of different slogans.

It’s a precious ally to find inspiration, especially if you don’t have the means to hire a communication agency.

Their rates are sometimes very high, often implying that you have to manage this aspect alone, especially when you’re a young entrepreneur or when you start a professional transformation.

To find the right slogan, generators generally ask you to indicate some keywords specific to your activity and your company. By asking a few questions, they try to identify the services you offer as well as the target audience you are addressing.

Then, their algorithms allow them to generate a whole bunch of different slogans in record time!

Free slogan generators

In this article, let me give you my slogan generator tools! They are, in my opinion, the best ones to help you come up with new ideas while accompanying your limitless creativity!

Unforgettable slogan generator by CopyAI

CopyAI understands that finding a catchy slogan that your audience won’t forget is key. To help you brainstorm ideas for your company motto, the app’s Motto Generator tool has you complete the following steps:

  • Provide business and product details.
  • Choose a tone of voice that matches your brand identity.
  • Review the slogans generated by the tool.
  • Save your favorite slogans.
  • Generate new ideas inspired by your favorites by clicking on the tool’s “More Like This” button.

From there, you’ll be able to further narrow down your selection and shape the tool’s suggestions to produce a slogan that truly speaks to both you and your future customers!

Punchy text generator by Designhill

This DIY slogan maker by Designhill is an easy-to-use tool that will provide you with hundreds of slogan ideas that are optimized for marketing and branding.

After launching the tool from Designhill’s website, you’ll simply enter a keyword or multiple keywords and view the extensive selection of slogans generated for your business. You can then pick the one that most resonates with your brand or use the suggestions as inspiration, tweaking them as needed to craft the perfect phrase.

The complete Getsocio tool

For entrepreneurs who want to create their slogan in English, you can turn to Getsocio: by simply entering a single term, such as a brand name for example, the software generates thousands of proposals!

Then click on the one you like the most and copy and paste your future slogan on your website, business card, poster or within your Ads campaign.

Sloganizer for random suggestions

Same principle as Getsocio, only with Sloganizer, a single phrase is randomly proposed from your keyword.

This generator offers a fun version of the slogan search with this random system.

Once you’ve entered your keyword in the Sloganizer search bar, click on the "Sloganize!" button. If you don't like the suggested phrase, just click the button again until you find the best slogan to suit your needs.

Slogan creator by Zyro

Zyro describes itself as a slogan generator based on artificial intelligence.

Zyro simply invites you to enter one or two keywords that best characterize your brand. Based on the terms used, the generator produces a list of slogans. You’re free to use the tagline as is or to use it as inspiration to create your own slogan.

In addition, because it's important to think about the effectiveness of your tagline in the future, Zyro promises its users a tagline that works well now but that may also meet the needs of the business in the future.

Tips and examples of inspiring slogans

To be effective and impactful, a slogan must meet certain characteristics.

It should reflect your company's purpose and values while allowing you to stand out from your competitors. In a single sentence, it must make your brand memorable.

Your childhood memories are numerous and the jingles of the commercials of the time are probably part of them! In fact, advertisers are so good that we all have at least a few slogans in our heads that stick in our minds for many years.

Do you need some examples? "Allstate: You’re in good hands," "Nike: Just do it," "L'Oréal: Because I’m worth it," etc.

Without wanting to, we memorize a whole bunch of different slogans. This reflex is the guarantee of a successful advertising campaign!

If companies use slogans, it’s simply so that consumers immediately remember their brand rather than another when they need a product or a service.

The more the slogan is remembered, the more the objective is achieved!

For example, if you need insurance, your first instinct may very well be to call Allstate!

Create an encouraging slogan

In order for customers to be attracted to your brand and your slogan, they must think that they share the same values as yours. In this sense, find a punchy and encouraging text, showing your customers that you’re working in their direction, for the same cause as them.

Let's take the example of "Burger King: Have it your way." This slogan is effective because it’s based on the acknowledgement that competing fast food chains were often frustratingly rigid in their stance against allowing customers to customize their orders.

It suggests that Burger King understands consumers’ frustration and is committed to alleviating this by allowing them the freedom to order their food however they’d like.

Give power and importance to consumers

To create customer loyalty, nothing is more effective than giving them value. They need to feel unique and important to you: every customer is vital to the survival of your business.

Consumers are so important, don't hesitate to let them know that they matter to you.

In this sense, the L'Oréal brand is very strong. Its slogan is "L'Oréal: Because I'm worth it." The brand talks about the value of the customer and goes even further, by putting itself in the customer’s place, using the first-person singular voice.

Of course, highlighting the value of each customer doesn't stop at simply creating your slogan. To thank them for their loyalty, brands plan specific events, such as the organization of certain VIP events or the implementation of exclusive offers, specially reserved for their best customers.

Think of a slogan that’s in line with your identity

Finally, a good slogan must be in line with the company's brand image. In just a few words, it must be able to reveal the brand's universe and stick as closely as possible to consumers' expectations.

Authenticity is the key word and the slogan must absolutely remain faithful and honest with the brand. It is also essential that the slogan be current and in phase with the realities of the market. For example, "Nespresso: What else?" is a relatively short and simple tagline that speaks volumes about the brand's elegant and deceptively casual style.

Combined with the image of George Clooney, it’s a real communication marvel! Similarly, if you sell organic products, this should be reflected in your slogan. Use your values as a creative driver to find an effective catchphrase.

It’s interesting to note that according to the Slogan Observatory, the latest trends in slogans leave more room for English.

This language is the most used in the business world, which continues to increase its presence in communication. This is why many brands are changing their historical slogans to include a few anglicisms.

For example, in France, in the ranking of the three best slogans of the moment, two brands have opted for English. Among 7,000 slogans analyzed in 2020, the three winners were “Leboncoin: One man's happiness is another man's happiness," “Peugeot 208: Unboring the future,” and “Back Market: New is old."

Take inspiration from the brand examples in this article and use the free tools mentioned earlier to help create an amazing slogan for your business today!

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