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July 11, 2022 • Resources

Ecommerce SSL certificate: What is it and what are the benefits for your site?

Ecommerce SSL certificate: What is it and what are the benefits for your site?

You’ve integrated your items in your administration area, you’ve set up your marketing strategy for your multi-brand store, your first customer is here... But have you checked the security of your website?

Because despite all the updates and the different policies in terms of cybersecurity, phishing continues to wreak havoc on the internet.

Don’t worry! The WiziShop ecommerce solution integrates Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)/ Transport Layer Security (TLS) certificates for all its customers’ online stores. With this service and this little security padlock, companies that trust WiziShop for their online store benefit from assets to improve SEO, level of protection, and the security of their site but also to reassure their visitors in order to incite them to buy.

In short, they have everything in hand to succeed in their online sales. Why do you need SSL certificates? How are SSL security certificates an asset for your ecommerce business? How does it change the level of security of sites? How do you secure your site? Can it impact the conversion rate, the brand image of an online sales company, of a website? Here are all the details.

What is an SSL certificate?

An SSL certificate is a type of data file that binds a cryptographic key to an organization or individual’s information. Specifically, when SSL security is passed for validation and then activated, all information transmitted on the site will be “encrypted,” preventing it from being intercepted by a third party. 

SSL certification: the concept

Ordering online implies revealing personal, sensitive, and confidential information. An SSL certificate therefore makes it possible to encrypt and secure these flows of information transmitted between the site and the users

This digital encryption helps to keep users’ private information from becoming public. The customer is then sure of their transaction and the protection of their information.

With SSL, banking transactions, data transfer, and user connection information (username and password) are secure on websites. Until now, the SSL certificate was mainly used for the payment page. However, it’s become a standard for all of a website’s pages and therefore for the data exchanged.

Why and how do you choose an SSL certificate for your website?

Note that there are several types of SSL certificates that websites can use, representing different levels of trust. Each type corresponds to the degree of verification performed on the certificate applicant.

Visually, the SSL certificate is represented by a green padlock that appears in the URL bar of the web browser. It’s also represented by an “s,” which means “secure” and which is added to the “http” protocol on your website in the address bar, just before sites’ domain names.

wizishop ssl

When you’re browsing a site and you see this type of visual cue appear, you know it’s safe to surf. This “https” connection tells the server to establish a secure connection with the browser and all traffic will be secure.

By which certification authority are SSL certificates issued?

SSL certificates are issued by a trusted certificate authority (CA). Browsers and operating systems as well as mobile devices maintain a list of trusted root CA certificates.

When you’re a WiziShop customer, you don’t have to do anything: your ecommerce site is already certified and secure because ensuring the security of merchants, your next customer and users is priceless!

Enough technical details…what are the advantages of obtaining an SSL certificate in ecommerce?

Why introduce an SSL security certification on your online store?

As you’ve likely understood, the primary purpose of the SSL certificate is to secure any type of data that passes through your website. It allows you to protect yourself from the risks of personal data piracy. From this first advantage, others follow, which aren’t to be taken lightly.

Keep reading to learn why having an SSL certificate in place on ecommerce websites is advantageous!

Reassure your visitors with an HTTPS certificate

When your site’s customer sees the “https” protocol in the domain name, a small green padlock, they know that they’re on a secure site, that they can navigate with confidence, that their data is secure. This confirms the professionalism of your store and may convince them to buy from you. The SSL certificate is therefore a key element of reassurance for web companies, if not the most important!

In addition to choosing a good domain name, the SSL certificate also represents an excellent conversion lever!

Improve your SEO

Since August 2014, Google has taken into account the fact that a website is secure to improve its SEO. The internet giant itself said so:

...we’ve been running tests taking into account whether sites use secure, encrypted connections as a signal in our search ranking algorithms. We’ve seen positive results, so we’re starting to use HTTPS as a ranking signal."

https google

By considering the security of “https” sites as a strong ranking signal used for SEO, Google is pushing to redefine SEO strategies with the objective of protecting the entire web.

Thus, after having activated the “https” protocol by default on all its services, Google now favors websites on which users can connect via a secure connection to the internet browser, in the results of its search engine.

By choosing WiziShop, you can count on having a secure, optimized site, one that’s therefore favored by search engines, at the top of the search results!

A request from Google to access its services

In addition, always with the aim of securing the internet, Google authorizes access to its Google Shopping services exclusively to ecommerce sites secured via the SSL certificate.

The SSL certificate is therefore a mandatory condition subject to validation by Google if you wish to increase your visibility by integrating your products on Google Shopping, a service included in your WiziShop offer!

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The SSL certificate on WiziShop

WiziShop users benefit from a free SSL certificate on all the pages of their ecommerce site. WiziShop was the first SaaS platform to offer SSL/TLS certificates to its sites.

This protocol is the guarantee of obtaining flawless security for your ecommerce site. According to the score calculated by the Qualys SSL Labs index, the certificate offered by WiziShop is qualified as A+. The security is therefore raised to its maximum.

Moreover, true to its model and SaaS identity, no technical installation is required from the merchant. The WiziShop ecommerce solution has made sure to make the handling of this process as simple as possible for your business.

The configuration and maintenance is done by us. It’s automatically configured and will be renewed every year on your store. No need to buy an SSL certificate anymore!

Cybersecurity: best practices to know on the web

Before closing the subject, here are our final tips to remember so that you can take full advantage of the SSL certificate and its encryption security when installing it on your server: if you have several domain names, assign the SSL certificate to the main one. The other domain names will redirect to it.

In order to reassure your visitors and to align yourself with the majority of your competitors, inform them from the homepage that payment is secure and that all data is encrypted on your entire site. Cybersecurity: a choice argument for your business’s future sales and a service provided by WiziShop for your success!

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