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04 April 2023 • Grow Your Sales

What is wow factor? Overview and tips to create surprise in marketing

What is wow factor? Overview and tips to create surprise in marketing

Customer satisfaction has become a very important criterion in digital marketing to evaluate the performance of a company.

Today, beyond customer satisfaction, we talk about the concept of customer delight.

In a few words, all your competitors are now trying to ensure customer satisfaction. You have to go further and create a WOW factor by giving more than what you promise or what customers expect.

But how? How and why?

We'll tell you everything below, but above all, keep in mind that it depends on your own willingness to not only offer a product or a service but to want to please your customers!

How do you qualify a wow factor?

The wow factor represents an effect of surprise, wonder, or enthusiasm felt by the consumer.

This effect is often generated by an advertisement or an online customer experience. It’s something that’ll touch internet users’ different senses and provoke this admiration.

It's a bit like when you're traveling and you find yourself in front of a beautiful landscape. You’ll often have this reaction, and the word “wow” will naturally come out of your mouth!

Stimulators of customer delight and the wow factor in marketing

We could define customer delight as the result of the following addition: the best service + emotion.

But unfortunately, it’s not necessarily a rational concept.

Enchanting customers is about pleasing them or even making them dream. It's about making them experience a surprising moment. Here are four characteristics that stimulate the customer's attention and can generate the WOW factor.

1. The expression of positive emotions

Through a smile, enthusiasm, humor, and liveliness, they can create a favorable climate with the customer. Website design, original packaging, new logo, surprising user experience... Show the greatest creativity to stir emotion and generate a sale just with WOW content!

2. New sensations

These emerge from sensorial marketing with music, an atmosphere, a pleasant smell... to maintain a warm relationship.

The French company Nature et Découvertes is a very good example of sensorial marketing with the solicitation of the five senses when visiting these stores with their unique atmosphere.

The customer experience is meticulously studied: the products are well-stocked so that one can admire, touch, and test them, and there’s the soothing scents of essential oils, the pleasant music combined with the sound of waterfalls, and finally, the taste is solicited thanks to a free herbal tea.

3. Exceeding expectations

The idea is to go beyond the client's expectations. It’s about surprising and astonishing by being creative with innovative means.

Propose offbeat content, highlight your products in a different way, create surprise with an unexpected collaboration...

One of the most striking examples in recent years was the advertising campaign of the luxury house Balenciaga before its fashion show in Paris: a video featuring the brand in the famous animated series The Simpsons!

4. Customer-oriented communication

This involves exchange and communication through empathetic listening, while remaining attentive to what the customer can teach you.

Many advertising campaigns and products and services use the direct relationship with the customer to develop.

This is the case with social networks: contests or surveys are used to integrate the customer in the life of the company.

The results of the polls can allow the business to choose the new design of an article for the next season or to draw lots for the person who’ll have the chance to win a certain amount of money to spend on the business's website.

Including the customer directly in the heart of the marketing actions will always bring the WOW factor, especially to reward their loyalty!

Benefits of achieving the wow factor in marketing

Why focus on delighting your customers?

Quite simply, it brings you three main benefits that are critical for the success and the sustainability of your business.

Increase the loyalty of your customers

Providing a WOW factor means that your customers are more than satisfied, pleasantly surprised by their shopping experience on your site.

They’ll have a more than positive memory of your business, and there will be no reason for them to buy from your competitors. And we know that building customer loyalty matters!

Encourage word of mouth

Customers become ambassadors of the brand or site.

Today, customers expect to be satisfied. It’s now necessary to go beyond satisfaction.

Differentiate yourself from the competition

If your competitors only focus on satisfying their customers, you and your WOW factor will be ahead of the game!

How do you create the wow factor for your ecommerce customers?

To cite just one example of a WOW factor, we can take the case of Amazon with its ecommerce delivery that sometimes arrives one or two days before the expected date.

This principle is a real surprise for the consumer and will have an undeniable impact on their relationship with the online store.

The creation of a WOW factor is accessible to all sizes of physical or online businesses, from the smallest shopkeeper who will help you carry your groceries to your car to the restaurant where the service is remarkable.

Of course, it’s easier to offer this factor in traditional commerce than in ecommerce, but let's see what you can do.

An impeccable shopping experience

This goes without saying and is the foundation of the user experience in ecommerce.

But everything has to run smoothly, from the moment you arrive on the site to the moment you receive your package.

Pages must load quickly, all links must work properly, users must not encounter any errors, all the information they’re looking for must be accessible immediately, the live chat in ecommerce must be ultra accurate, among other things...

After the purchase, delivery times must be respected (or less than what was announced), the package must be in perfect condition, etc.

Personalized touches

It’s not necessary to spend a lot of money to provide your customers with small personalized touches.

For example, a small handwritten thank-you card can be a very nice gesture.

You can consider a small gift in your package as well.

Your competitors, the biggest ones, likely can’t afford to provide this kind of attention, being focused on optimization and costs... You have a great card to play!

Careful packaging 

E-merchants often see packaging as a cost that must be kept to a minimum, whereas packaging can be carefully designed and in harmony with your brand image to surprise your customers.

Think about the media impact of sharing unboxing stories of your packages by your customers on social networks or on an influential blog!

Here are some ideas with this video of the most beautiful packaging examples proposed by small ecommerce companies found on TikTok!

Be proactive

Anticipation is the key word! By knowing your products inside out but also your ecommerce customer, the wow factor can only be anticipated or provoked in the best way, flawlessly!

For example, if there are delivery delays in an order, whether it’s your fault or not, don’t wait for the customer to come and complain. Take the lead by explaining the situation and offering concrete solutions. You can add it to your homepage, for example, if the ecommerce period is busy, like during the Christmas season.

This way, the customer will be pleasantly surprised, and it's a sign of your seriousness. You’ll be able to surprise them in a positive way. The impact of ecommerce on traditional trade has changed the rules with consumers who are increasingly demanding on the internet.

As you may have understood, you have to show empathy and put yourself in your customers' shoes, get to know them as well as possible, take customer feedback into account, and anticipate their needs. Then, detect the different points where you can stand out and make your products memorable.

Online sales is an ultra-competitive field: the wow factor is essential to trigger emotion and stand out in the long term! It's up to you to make your ecommerce company the revelation of your sector.

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