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Generally used when implementing a growth-hacking strategy, the AARRR framework gathers several techniques aimed at attracting, converting and retaining prospects.

Growth hacking is a marketing technique that involves obtaining rapid growth for a product, a service, or a company by using all possible means. These means, sometimes unconventional, can be at the limits of legality or ethics.

To achieve their goal, marketers can therefore rely on specific techniques and tools. Among these is the AARRR framework, also known as “Pirate Metrics,” the “Pirate Funnel,” or the “growth-hacking funnel.”

This framework, developed by the entrepreneur Dave McClure, presents the five stages of a customer's life cycle:

  • Acquisition: This is the first step of the customer journey. The brand or company must implement techniques that will attract prospects to a website, an online store, or a physical store.
  • Activation: Here, it’s a question of transforming the prospect or the internet user into a user by making a purchase, requesting a quote, or subscribing to a newsletter. To do this, it’s essential to offer them an impeccable customer experience.
  • Retention: Retention entails making sure that the customer remains a customer by offering them, for example, a user-friendly interface, a loyalty program, discount coupons, updates, etc.
  • Referral: At this stage, everything must be done to transform the customer into a true brand ambassador. The brand will rely on virality and recommendation to grow its customer/user base exponentially.
  • Revenue: This last step consists of transforming active users into sales. Prospects become actual customers, and the business earns revenue through advertising, subscriptions, sales, etc.
aarrr marketing

The AARRR framework is thus used to better understand the customer's buying path, build loyalty, and optimize the company's revenue. It’s also essential for calculating the customer lifetime value and for optimizing the conversion rate and the performance of a website or a store.

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