

This word has several definitions and synonyms in the marketing dictionary.

Large panels for displaying advertising impressions, they’re often found on roadsides, bus shelters, or subway stops, for example.

Billboards can also be found in the video and television sector: they’re for short animations displayed before programs, presenting sponsors and other partner advertisers in just a few seconds, with only the brand logo. Billboards are also used when a TV program is repeated after a commercial.

On the internet, the billboard is similar to the above-mentioned definition of advertising, but this time, the insert is rectangular or even square, and is inserted on websites to entice the surfer to click.

Like the billboard on television, this advertising insert will also be found before and after videos on streaming platforms. On YouTube in particular, this is referred to as pre-roll at the beginning of the video, or post-roll at the end.

This advertising format is the preferred medium for both online and offline advertisers. For the print format, it's a great way to publicize brand news.

In digital format, the digital billboard can be used to highlight exceptional offers on various websites, in order to capture the attention of as many internet users as possible, with the aim of converting them into customers.

Billboards can also be similar to display campaigns, when advertisers choose this type of content as part of their Google Ads strategy.

Thanks to technological advances, digital billboards can also host remarketing and retargeting strategies: internet users who have already visited a page on a merchant site or an exceptional offer without having ordered the item will be offered the same or similar products in billboards dedicated to these campaigns.

The billboard, whether physical or digital, is a blank canvas that enables brands to gain visibility and boost their traffic in order to increase their conversion rate and therefore their sales.

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