

Copywriting is a marketing concept that can be explained by the fact of writing texts with a precise commercial aim.

Conversion, branding, memorization: copywriting enables the author of the text to construct a precise discourse, with the aim of achieving a conversion objective.

Copywriting has been popularized with advertising: it enables the author to construct the advertising message that will achieve the brand's sales objective in particular. Today, this marketing technique is widely used at all points of brand contact and communication, whether via direct mail, by phone, on social networks, etc., for all brand content-related writing.

The person responsible for this kind of work is a copywriter.

There are a number of key points that characterize copywriting, which isn’t just pure script writing, but much more:

  • Emotion: This will allow you to reach prospects and help them remember your message, whether B2B or B2C.
  • Proximity to the target audience: Getting to know your target audience will enable you to build the most appropriate message.
  • Message clarity: There should be no gray areas in the campaign, no elements left to chance.
  • Brand image: Through all the details of a campaign, the brand must be emphasized between the lines.

All these elements are established after the copywriter has thought through and put all the parameters linked to the advertising campaign into perspective.

Beforehand, the marketing professional will have taken the time to work on the brand or product, so as to know all its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This complete knowledge enables copywriters to write copy for the future campaign, for future media (blog, website, landing page, social networks, billboard, etc.).

Beyond the tangible, material elements surrounding the product, service, or brand, the copywriting professional will determine the tone, style, and language elements that will characterize the campaign, ensuring that it's unlike any other.

This professional also has in mind the graphic and visual elements that will accompany the intention: copywriting is a kind of backbone of an advertising campaign, and the copywriter is the conductor of the content.

Once the copywriting stage has been completed, the written content will enable the brand to implement action around the product, with the aim of achieving the sales objective. This textual content is then translated to create advertising content tailored to the target audience and potential customers.

On the web or in person, copywriting has exactly the same objective: to respond to the problems of customers, of a specific audience, by providing a solution induced by the product or service offered for sale and promoted by the advertising campaign.

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