
Display advertising

Display advertising refers to all advertising placements on the web that use images, animations, visuals, or videos.

It’s one of the most widely used digital advertising formats today. Whether in the form of banner ads or videos, display advertising is everywhere!

display ad

It first appeared around 20 years ago and continues to develop.

There are two main players in this type of advertising: advertisers and publishers.

Advertisers are the companies that pay for an advertising campaign to promote one of their products or services.

Publishers, on the other hand, are the administrators who use the web to deliver advertising.

Like all ads, including search ads, display ads are designed to generate a reaction from an audience.

The aim of these campaigns is to generate clicks so that visitors arrive at a specific website or landing page, or to bring people back to your brand’s site via retargeting.

While textual content is very important in SEO, in display marketing, it’s the visuals that take pride of place.

Graphic elements dominate, and the image becomes the central element serving a company or its products.

Display advertising is a highly dynamic communication channel, using a wide variety of advertising media and sites. The most popular platform for this marketing lever is Google Ads.

Content is optimized to fit the size of each medium, and different advertising formats can be used. Banner ads can be presented in a variety of sizes and formats: static, animated, or interactive.

To launch a display marketing strategy, several methods can be employed.

Some advertisers look at cost per thousand, while others prefer to look at cost per click, cost per lead, or cost per sale.

Of course, the main challenge for display advertising today is to cope with stiff competition and high ad bidding.

In this context, it will be essential to work on your display advertising’s originality to stand out to internet users!

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