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How do you increase blog visibility and traffic? 11 Methods that work

How do you increase blog visibility and traffic? 11 Methods that work

Whether for personal or professional use, blogs are plentiful on the internet.

This lever is very beneficial for traffic generation, but it’s true that it requires a real investment as well as significant involvement.

Internet users generally spend only 37 seconds reading content on the web: 43% of readers only skim it! To capture the attention of your visitors in record time and thus increase the traffic of your blog, it’s better to follow a few steps.

Thinking of creating a blog for people to read on your website or want to know how to optimize the articles that you share on your current blog? Here are a few tips to help ensure that your results live up to your expectations and the work you put in.

1. Determine your target audience

How do you publish articles based on your readers?

Before you even start creating your blog, it’s important to know who your target audience is.

So, I strongly advise you to start by drawing up a detailed description of the personality of the people your business targets. Having a good understanding of them will allow you to get inside their heads and establish a more successful and loyal relationship with them.

How do you determine the typical profile of your readers on the internet?

The typical profile of your customers includes their age, gender, geographical area, shopping habits, etc.

Think about how they can potentially discover your business’s products on the web. What information are they looking for?

By studying this data precisely and trying to put yourself in their shoes, you’ll be able to create real stories and content adapted to them when you post articles. A blog aimed at a more targeted but qualitative audience is better than texts that are considered too broad and ultimately of no interest to anyone.

2. Find content ideas

Then, you’ll need to find topic ideas for articles to share on your website’s blog to help position yourself for different keywords related to your theme.

For this, don't hesitate to utilize multiple sources of inspiration when performing keyword research for your blogging strategy:

  • Ask your buyers directly what they expect.
  • Get inspired by events related to your sector.
  • Check out forums and discussions on the web.
  • Read other blogs on the internet.
  • Browse discussions and comments on social media networks such as Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, etc.
  • Observe the most popular social content.
  • Brainstorm around you, both in your personal and professional circle.
  • Use the suggestions from the Google search engine or Google Trends.

Some digital marketing and SEO tools, both free and paid, are specifically designed to help you find the terms most frequently used by internet users in your sector, such as Ubersuggest or Semrush. 

3. Analyze competing blogs

How do you get inspired by competitors?

Like any professional activity, writing a blog requires constant monitoring. This also means closely observing the blogs of your main competitors on the web.

Analyze the different articles they post. Try to cross-reference the different information on the top Google search results related to your business. You’ll get loads of ideas!

How do you make your blog known against your competitors?

Look at your competitors’ texts and try to find out which keywords are the most used in the articles that they share. In this sense, analyze the elements that potentially make the quality of the content.

After all, nothing prevents you from taking inspiration from an existing article on Google, changing the wording as well as the structure of the page, while updating the data of this text with more recent content for your post. This is considered research, not plagiarism.

It allows you to write your blog pages much easier, and most bloggers on the internet use this technique!

4. Do better than other sites

Most topics are already covered on the web by bloggers today. To stand out and attract visitors with your blogging efforts, you need to work more on your content compared to your competition.

The idea is to do better than what exists!

To create original content, you need to integrate your own ideas, your personal experiences, your stories in your blog post.

When people discover the content you share on your website’s blog, they should think "Wow! Now I've learned something!

5. Plan your posts

As a blogger, how do you improve your blog for maximum views?

The benefits of content marketing, including the blog articles that you post, are plentiful. However, it’s important to know that an effective blog on the internet should not only provide quality content. To generate traffic, it also needs to have regular posts.

So, in order not to be overwhelmed by your daily tasks, I strongly advise you to establish an editorial schedule of the topics you want to talk about.

Of course, the frequency of writing doesn’t mean that you must absolutely provide quantity at the expense of quality. It’s counterproductive to fill your blog at all costs with pages of no interest.

How do you ensure regular content writing?

However, don't forget that regularity remains an essential factor for loyalty and SEO. Frequently published content can help to boost the traffic of a blog. Think about it and try to find the right balance between the quantity of texts provided and the quality of the content in your web marketing strategy.

In this sense, take the time to establish a schedule and try to stick to it, even if it means delegating the writing of some articles to writing professionals, such as editorial content agencies or freelance writers.

6. Define a semantic field and a precise theme

SEO: how do you choose keywords for your articles to boost your traffic?

The importance of SEO cannot be overstated when it comes to increasing the traffic of your blog.

To ensure your presence in the first results of search engines, it’s essential to take the time to perform keyword research and work on the keywords in the content you post.

YourTextGuru, for example, is an SEO tool that allows you to analyze the semantic field of your query in a very precise way to meet Google's expectations.

What are the pitfalls to avoid in SEO?

It’s useless to try to fit specific keywords in the text of your page at all costs, at the expense of quality. Don’t forget that the reading must remain fluid and pleasant and that this technique, called "keyword stuffing" can be penalized by search engines.

Content marketing can improve your SEO, but only when done effectively. Even if keywords are judiciously integrated into your content, your text must remain natural.

7. Give structure to your articles

Why structure your articles?

Always with an aim of improving your website’s SEO, don't forget to give SEO structure to your text.

First of all, it makes reading more pleasant and organizes your articles. Think of integrating titles and subtitles, while spacing out the different parts of the page so that people can read the content you share more easily.

Also, in each of your titles, try to incorporate keywords as much as possible.

How do you optimize your blog posts for Google?

There are certain elements that’ll naturally improve your search engine optimization:

  • Optimize the length and content of your title and your meta description.
  • Don’t hesitate to repeat keywords in your titles and in the body of your text.
  • Structure your content by using H1, H2, H3...
  • Space out your different paragraphs.
  • Give relief to your content with bolding, highlighting, bulleted lists...
  • Integrate links to relevant sources.
  • Try to add internal links between your different pages.
  • Add optimized images to position yourself on Google Images (file name, alt attribute, size).

8. Use social media to get more visitors

Social media networks have thousands of users. They represent an important source of traffic for your business. Don't forget to use them to help increase the number of visitors on your articles!

Make social media the relay of your texts. This will only increase your visibility, while bringing more virality to your content on the web.

In this sense, also don’t hesitate to invest in ads on social media networks like Facebook, Instagram, etc. They generally offer excellent returns, provided that they’re properly targeted from the start.

9. Encourage visitors to visit your blog

Linked to an ecommerce site, the blog is an excellent free way to help position yourself as an expert in your field and to increase users' trust in you.

It’s therefore a very good sales generator for your business.

However, just by reading your blog, most users aren’t yet ready to buy your services. To push your visitors to buy, or at least to visit your pages, don't forget to integrate call-to-action buttons into your blog.

10. Think about customer loyalty

While social networks are particularly popular for generating ecommerce organic traffic, remember to also use newsletters in your marketing strategy. The use of newsletters in your digital marketing strategy is a very good way to increase your visibility.

Moreover, it also allows you to retain an existing readership.

On the other hand, to generate clicks, newsletters must be of real interest to the reader. Try to include relevant articles, privileged content to enhance the recipient or promotional offers.

The newsletter is an excellent way to reactivate your prospects or customers. Any good businessperson knows that although winning new customers is very important, loyalty is even more important!

11. Use influencers and image partners

Finally, the last marketing lever to increase traffic on your blog: influencers.

Because recommendation works particularly well, influencer marketing is a great way to encourage people to visit your website in a viral way.

Try to get in touch with a few bloggers who are particularly influential in your sector of activity.

If they discuss your product or link to your site in one of their articles, your ecommerce traffic may suddenly take off, as well as your sales!

Don't hesitate to knock on the door of the big names in your field. After all, everyone who has ever succeeded has tried their luck at some point…

Be patient!

Finally, one of the last tips I can give you to boost your website’s blog traffic on the internet is to be patient.

Don't get discouraged if your blog attracts very little traffic for several months. It’ll take off one day! With perseverance, all your articles will gradually rank on search engines and for many keywords.

Keep in mind that blog traffic is data that often increases gradually and requires continuous work. The most important thing is to be constant and persevering in your blogging efforts to make your online store known.

Generally, a beneficial positioning and generator of traffic on Google is obtained after several months of regular posts. So don't expect to get the benefits of your work after just a few days. These things take time. Patience will be your best ally!

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