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How to start a business with no money: 8 Business ideas for tiny budgets

How to start a business with no money: 8 Business ideas for tiny budgets

Many people are convinced that it’s essential to build up capital in order to invest and undertake. In other words, according to this idea of a business budget, the idea is that you absolutely must have a lot of money to launch your business with the ambition to become even richer!

Think again! Today, it’s possible to start a business and be profitable with a small budget or even no money at all with success at the end of the road.

However, if you don't have starting capital, you’ll have to adopt a state of mind conducive to business creation and find the business idea or ideas that will bring you enough customers to be profitable.

As you embark on the creation of your business, such as an online sales business, for example, you’ll see that it’ll be possible to stand out with little money.

The qualities to start a business with no money 

When taking your first steps in the business world, capital is not an indispensable prerequisite for the creation of your business. On the other hand, other qualities are absolutely necessary to succeed.

Services, customer care, innovative ideas for profitable startups, finding the best products... Many elements are necessary for business success: here are some key skills to acquire to boost your business.

Rigor and organization

To succeed in your business, and this in any business, you’ll absolutely have to be organized. Becoming your own boss isn’t for everyone. You have to know how to impose constraints on yourself and adopt a regular work rhythm.

Moreover, if your company requires you to work from home, make sure that you do not mix your personal and professional life to keep your mind clear. Set schedules and plan everything you need to do each day.

In other words, if you want your business to work, forget about sleeping in during the week!

However, just because you work from home doesn't mean you have to spend your evenings working. You should also know how to take breaks: the idea is to keep your concentration and motivation at their maximum all week long.

Interpersonal skills

To succeed in the business world as in life, it’s important to know how to surround yourself with the right people. In order for success to knock on your door, it’s best to be open-minded.

Be sociable with your customers and your future business partners, and don’t hesitate to discuss your business. Make yourself known and enrich your address book little by little.

Not sure how to meet potential partners or future clients? There are many professional events or business fairs where you can meet a lot of different people. Ask around, get out there, and be open to the world!

Knowledge of digital tools

To start a business when you have a small budget, the best way is to turn to online business ideas, using the web: as we’ll see later in this article, most of the businesses that allow you to start a business with no money are located on the internet. Therefore, it’s preferable that you master digital tools and online services.

If you feel that you’re lacking the knowledge for this type of project, don’t hesitate to take a training course. Today, there are all kinds of courses to learn and acquire new skills, whether in person or remotely.

Patience and perseverance

Although some entrepreneurs have been successful in their market in just a few months, you should know that this is not the majority of businesses... In other words, to see your business grow, you’ll need to be patient and courageous.

A good entrepreneur must be determined to support their project and make it profitable. They must know how to bounce back when necessary and must not be discouraged too easily in order to continue their activity and make their project grow.

The path of the entrepreneur is often strewn with pitfalls. So be ambitious from the very beginning of your project. Note that it’s important to recognize your weaknesses so that you can correct them: don't stay stuck on your ideas. Be patient and tell yourself that everything comes to those who wait…

Passion for your field

Finally, because entrepreneurship requires lots of effort, ideas galore, great items to sell, and services to offer your customers, etc., I strongly advise you to go into a market that you’re passionate about.

Don't start a business just for the money. It won't work! To set up a project that will last in the long term, you’ll have to stay the course and be creative.

So try to find the right balance between what you love to do, what customers need, what you want to get paid for, and what you think you're pretty good at.

An entrepreneur who is passionate about their business usually does a better job. So success naturally follows from this quality!

The 8 best businesses to start without money

Now that you know what qualities are essential to be a good entrepreneur and bring your business to a profitable destiny, you should know that some projects are more easily achievable than others without having to spend a large amount of money.


Ecommerce is an online business involving the sale of products or services on the internet. It offers a number of advantages to both e-merchants and consumers and has become increasingly popular over the years, even more so during COVID-19 lockdowns when shoppers couldn’t visit brick-and-mortar stores.

Today, shoppers can purchase nearly anything imaginable online. If you’re interested in becoming an ecommerce entrepreneur, note that there are all kinds of possibilities in terms of what you opt to sell on your website. 

Although some niches will require a significant investment in terms of product inventory, others allow you to launch your business with a much smaller budget on hand. In addition, with ecommerce, you don’t have to worry about all the expenses associated with obtaining and maintaining a physical storefront. 

As an e-merchant, your main costs will include the procurement of products and their storage. Again, depending on what you choose to sell, these expenses can vary widely. For example, selling laptops online would necessitate more initial investment than if you were to sell digital items like ebooks or photos.  

To start an ecommerce business, you’ll need to set up your online store and then get to work on spreading the word about your new business. Of course, to give yourself the best chance of success, you’ll want to be sure to select a high-quality solution to create your website.

With the WiziShop ecommerce solution, you can benefit from a 7-day free trial! You’ll also get to enjoy complete video training concerning a variety of ecommerce-related topics included in your subscription.

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Online trainer

With the coronavirus pandemic, internet activities have developed considerably, starting with training. Today, training is no longer exclusively done in person. To take advantage of this trend, make digital technology your main ally!

Of course, in order to launch yourself into online training, you’ll need to have skills and knowledge to pass on. The trainer must absolutely have a sense of pedagogy associated with an entrepreneurial aspect. They should have both digital and marketing skills, while being a real coach.

Regarding the training field, it’s up to you to share your talents with as many people as possible! If you’re passionate about music, you could, for example, teach music theory to your training participants. If you’re a coding expert, you could also teach the basics of writing to your students.

Consultant/Expert for companies

Many companies also use independent experts or consultants. These consultants have a very important place in the business world today and intervene in many sectors of activity to identify problems and bring an adapted answer to them.

Consultants are experts in their field of intervention. Their first mission is to diagnose the situation and the problem presented by the company employing them. To do this, they perform a thorough audit. They offer a new and more critical look at the situation.

Then, according to the problem encountered, they propose different solutions. They establish the cost and the necessary steps for each of them. Once the ideal solution is chosen, they accompany their partners throughout the deployment phase.

Freelance writer

The freelance writer is a writing professional who writes texts for websites, blogs, applications, press releases, etc. In other words, they’re the go-to person for any company that needs content.

To become a freelance writer, all you need is a computer and excellent writing skills. In other words, the starting cost of this activity is lower! What's more, a web writer can work from absolutely anywhere. They don't necessarily need to meet their clients and can do everything remotely.

But beware: the mission entrusted to them is not so simple. The writer must be able to research quickly and write articles optimized for reading on the Web as well as for SEO. They must also master various copywriting techniques as well as HTML language.

Event organizer

The event organizer is a service provider who is in charge of preparing and organizing events from A to Z. In other words, they must have a well-filled address book and must be very versatile.

It’s true that events can take many forms, whether it’s a sports event, a seminar, a trade show, or a launch party for a new product. In this sense, the event organizer must also master many marketing aspects.

They must be able to conceive various communication operations to capture the public's attention as much as possible. Finally, they manage a large number of estimates in order to respect the planned budgets. It’s up to them to ensure that the planning, the animations, and the event on D-Day run smoothly.

Become a franchisee

Do you think you have to be rich to become a franchisee? Think again! There are franchises that are accessible with a small personal contribution. The status of non-salaried manager is an avenue to explore. 

To be a good candidate for a franchise, the idea is above all to come from a profession close to the one you are aiming for. If you want to invest in a food franchise, it is better to already know this field. This will allow you to better manage your stocks, know how to properly manage your staff, and properly stock your shelves.


More recently, the job of influencer has become particularly popular! Again, this is a profession that clearly rides the wave of the rise of the internet and relies primarily on social media.

To be an influencer, it’s first necessary to build a solid community. The more the influencer is followed, the more their recommendations are monetized. Their role is then to promote certain goods and services in exchange for a commission.

In the same way, it’s also possible to get paid for ads or recommendations appearing on a blog. Here again, the more influential the blog is, the more interesting the financial compensation.

What’s more, you can become a blogger in nearly any niche imaginable. That means that whether you’re brainstorming food business ideas or wanting to launch a business involving art, music, fitness, or anything else, blogging can be a great path to take, especially if your funding is limited! 

Affiliate marketing 

Finally, have you ever heard of affiliate marketing? It’s a sales activity without the need to create a product. More concretely, affiliates are people who promote a third-party product. As soon as the product sells through them, the affiliates receive a commission.

Generally, affiliates use a blog, social networks, newsletters, or paid advertising to get the word out about themselves and their partners' products. All marketing means are beneficial for attracting maximum attention and triggering the act of purchase.

In this respect, note that WiziShop has an affiliate program. The concept is simple: promote WiziShop to your community. For every new store created thanks to your recommendations, we’ll pay you a 30% commission, every month, for the first year of the store's existence!

As you can see, entrepreneurship is not so much about money as it is about rigor, perseverance, and willpower. As long as you turn to the right business and show courage, there is nothing to stop you from getting started, even without having tons of capital.

Need an example to convince you? Online entrepreneur Yomi Denzel is a person who grew up in a disadvantaged neighborhood. His father was an undocumented immigrant and nothing predestined him to become rich. Thanks to dropshipping, he became one of the most influential people and went from a broke student to a millionaire in just one year!

Do you dream of getting into the affiliate business and making money selling products online? Then let me introduce you to Evolup, the perfect companion to help you reach your goals!

With Evolup, you can create a powerful website in just a few clicks, thanks to its text-generation artificial intelligence that helps you turn pre-filled descriptions into SEO levers. But that's not all. Our AI can also help you to find your niche, create a domain name that suits you, and even write product descriptions, blog posts, and other text content for you!

At Evolup, we want to accompany you all along the way. That's why we have a team of business coaches dedicated to helping you with any issue or question, big or small, that you may have about your business!

Affiliate marketing is an easy and exciting model that allows you to earn commissions as low as $10 per month. So why not give Evolup a chance? Try our tool for 7 days for free and discover all the possibilities it offers you! Don't miss the opportunity to make money from your passions with Evolup. Sign up now!

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