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01 November 2023 • Resources

Top 17 side hustles you can start from home to make money in 2024

Top 17 side hustles you can start from home to make money in 2024

In today's dynamic and interconnected world, the concept of work has evolved, giving rise to countless opportunities for individuals to explore additional income streams from the comfort of their homes. 

Whether you're looking to supplement your current income, achieve financial independence, or simply pursue a passion, there's a side hustle tailored to your needs. This article delves into the realm of home-based side hustles, providing a complete guide to the diverse array of opportunities available!

What are some easy ways to earn extra income?

Check out these comprehensive ideas to learn how you can initiate an entrepreneurial adventure and supplement your income by leveraging your expertise. Keep in mind that the most promising side hustle concepts are those that align with your abilities and passions.

1. Start an ecommerce business

It's amazing to think about how much ecommerce has evolved in recent years, with online shopping being a popular activity now for people all over the world. As noted by Statista, global ecommerce sales reached about $5.2 trillion in 2021 and are predicted to grow to $8.1 trillion by the time 2026 rolls around!

With the prevalence of shopping on the internet not expected to decrease any time soon, starting an ecommerce venture as a side hustle is a smart choice when it comes to online business ideas. First, it offers flexibility, allowing you to manage your venture around your existing commitments. You can work on it during your free time, making it an ideal option for those with full-time jobs or other responsibilities.

Additionally, the barriers to entry are relatively low. With a modest investment, you can set up an ecommerce site and reach a global audience, eliminating the need for a physical location.

Ecommerce also provides a diverse range of niches to explore, catering to various interests and markets. Furthermore, there's no limit to how much you can make with ecommerce, as your store can operate 24/7. 

If the idea of launching your own ecommerce site sounds appealing, keep in mind that your choice of ecommerce platform is important, as this can have a significant impact on the success of your venture. WiziShop is an all-in-one ecommerce solution that's 100% committed to helping you become as successful as possible.

With WiziShop, you'll have access to a plethora of free design templates to build your customized website in minutes. Take advantage of 400+ pre-integrated features to boost your conversions, and avail of our powerful AI tool for generating all kinds of text content for your site in seconds

In addition, the platform provides 50+ SEO optimizations to boost your site's technical SEO and access to a knowledgeable team of Business Coaches to answer your queries and assist you on your ecommerce journey. 

Check out WiziShop today by signing up for a 7-day free trial. Then, enjoy your first month for just $1!

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2. Launch your own podcast

Podcasting is a widely embraced side hustle with minimal expenses to start. It involves creating prerecorded audio content, which you edit and publish on podcast platforms for on-demand access. Monetization options include advertising, sponsored content, affiliate links in episode descriptions, and paid subscriptions, making it a versatile income-generating endeavor.

As of 2023, there are approximately 464.7 million podcast listeners around the world (Source: Demandsage). What's more this impressive figure is only expected to increase, with an estimated count of 504.9 million by 2024!

While launching your own podcast is going to require investing in some equipment, the good news is that this investment is relatively small. In addition, today, there are microphones and recording accessories available to suit a wide range of budgets. 

3. Make money from your YouTube channel

Engaging in side hustles through YouTube offers an excellent opportunity to become an online entrepreneur and generate money during your free time. Whether you're sharing knowledge, discussing current events, or entertaining your audience, YouTube provides a free platform for content creators.

Monetization becomes an option once you reach 1,000 subscribers and maintain an average of over 4,000 video watch hours annually. While it may take some time to attain these goals, dedicated individuals can transform their YouTube channels into lucrative, full-time endeavors, potentially earning substantial monthly income.

To get started, craft high-quality content that your intended audience will appreciate. As your viewership expands, explore opportunities to boost your earnings through paid subscriptions, developing merchandise to sell on the web, or engaging in sponsored content collaborations.

4. Fill out online surveys

If you want to make some extra cash in your free time but don't want to launch a full-on business, why not give participating in paid surveys available on the internet a try? Numerous marketing research companies are willing to compensate you for your feedback on various products, systems, and subjects. 

Most survey providers require you to establish an online account and link a payment method like PayPal, Venmo, or CashApp. Then, you can browse and register for surveys that align with your interests through an app or web portal. If chosen, you complete the questionnaire or project and typically receive payment within a few days. 

Be sure to look for reputable survey platforms like Swagbucks, Vindale Research, or Pinecone Research. Fill out your profile completely to receive surveys that match your demographics and check for new surveys daily to maximize your earnings. To avoid scams, never pay to join a survey site, and be cautious of sites promising unrealistic payouts.

5. Create a blog

Have a passion for writing and enjoy sharing knowledge? Think about getting involved in blogging and launching a blog centered around a topic you're enthusiastic about, whether it's health and fitness, travel, food, beauty, fashion, etc.

As your blog gains readership, you can generate money through advertisements or affiliate marketing. Another option is to use Substack, a platform that lets independent writers publish directly to their readers and earn income through recurring subscriptions. With this approach, you'll be able to grow your audience gradually, ensuring a steady monthly income with your blogging venture, without the hassle of trying to manage ads, sponsorships, or freelance work.

Later, once your blogging efforts earn you an extensive following, you might think about other ways to obtain earnings from your blog. For example, you could start selling merchandise to your fans to boost your brand recognition and income!

6. Teach online

Teaching online presents a fantastic side hustle opportunity that you can launch from the comfort of home. With the demand for online education continuing to grow, many learners are seeking knowledge in various fields. E-learning platforms accommodate a wide range of subjects, allowing you to teach what you're passionate about.

If the idea of helping others boost their knowledge appeals to you and you want to create online courses, you can sell your courses on your own site and/or join a reputable e-learning platform like Udemy, Teachable, or Coursera. Next, develop engaging course material, which can include videos, quizzes, assignments, and helpful resources.

Don't hesitate to be proactive about fostering an active learning community, providing support and feedback. Then, be sure to continuously improve your courses and consider expanding your offerings as you gain experience.

7. Earn passive income with affiliate marketing

One of the easiest ways to earn money on the side is to become an affiliate marketer. You can earn commissions while you sleep, as affiliate links remain active around the clock, providing a potential source of passive income.

Furthermore, affiliate marketing is perfect for those looking to start a business with no money, as it requires minimal upfront investment. You don't need to create your own goods or services; you promote existing ones from other businesses. In addition, there are countless affiliate programs available in various niches, allowing you to choose a field that aligns with your interests and expertise.

When it comes to being successful in affiliate marketing, having a great website is key. This is where Evolup, the AI-powered solution for creating affiliate stores, is indispensable.

With Evolup, you can quickly create an affiliate site that matches your vision, serving as a professional online store where you can promote affiliate products. The solution is compatible with all affiliate programs, giving you the freedom and flexibility to manage your business as you choose. 

Test Evolup today with a 7-day free trial!

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8. Be a virtual assistant

A virtual assistant is an independent professional who provides administrative, creative, or technical support to businesses or entrepreneurs remotely. This side hustle can be ideal for starting from home due to the fact that virtual assistants have the freedom to set their working hours and choose gigs that match their skills and interests. What's more, it doesn't require tons of investment, as you probably already have the essentials, like a computer and internet connection.

Virtual assisting can also be a great side gig for people who like variation in what they do. Virtual assistants often perform diverse tasks, such as email management, social media scheduling, content creation, data entry, and more.

To give yourself the best chances of success as a virtual assistant, begin by determining your strengths to offer services you excel at. Build a professional website and social media profiles to showcase your skills. After jobs start coming in, be sure to communicate effectively and deliver high-quality work to build lasting relationships.

9. Design your own fashion line

For fashion enthusiasts, creating a line of clothing or accessories can be a financially and creatively rewarding side hustle. If you love fashion and have a unique sense of style, designing your clothing allows you to express your creativity and create pieces that reflect your vision.

Furthermore, with the right marketing and quality designs, a fashion line can generate substantial income, whether you opt to sell online, through local markets, or both. This kind of gig allows you to supply customers with one-of-a-kind or limited-edition pieces, setting your brand apart from mass-produced clothing.

While it's true that designing your own fashion line may likely require more effort than other jobs mentioned here, you're free to develop your line as quickly as your time and other resources allow. Start small, beginning with a few designs, and expand as your brand grows.

10. Offer coaching services

There's a growing demand for coaching services as people seek guidance and support to overcome challenges and reach their full potential. Starting a coaching business as a side hustle from home can be a lucrative and fulfilling endeavor if you have expertise in a particular field. 

This type of gig makes it possible for you to leverage your skills, knowledge, and experience to help others achieve their goals, whether it's in areas like business, wellness, or personal development. In addition, you can set your own hours and work from home, making it an ideal side hustle that accommodates your lifestyle. When you're first getting started, you might opt to begin with free or low-cost sessions to build your reputation. 

Depending on your coaching niche, you may need to gain relevant certifications and training. Regardless of any required training you'll have to have in the beginning, it'll be important for you to keep learning as your venture grows to stay updated in your field and refine your coaching abilities.

11. Test apps and websites

With rapid developments in technology, companies are working on new mobile applications and websites all the time. However, in order to be successful, these items must provide a top-notch user experience.

To ensure that they're functioning properly before being released, market research companies, app and game creators, and site designers are often in search of users with various technical abilities to assess their offerings and supply helpful feedback.

This type of side hustle is super easy to begin and do in your spare time, and it doesn't necessitate creating your own business. Simply sign up on testing platforms like Enroll, Swagbucks, UserCrowd, Userlytics, UserTesting, and UTest, which specialize in connecting individuals with website and app-testing opportunities. 

12. Write and self-publish your own ebooks

Do you love putting pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) and telling a good story? Whether you have a penchant for creating fiction or nonfiction works, writing and self-publishing your own ebooks may be the perfect side hustle for you.

Self-publishing ebooks can be an attractive option for aspiring authors because it provides creative control, higher royalty rates, and a faster route to getting their writing in front of readers, all without the need for traditional publishing gatekeepers. After writing your ebook, you just need to publish it on platforms like Amazon Kindle or Barnes & Noble Press or offer it for sale on your ecommerce site to start earning royalties.

Did you know that you can sell digital products like ebooks in addition to physical goods when you create an online store with WiziShop? Furthermore, selling digital goods has an added advantage in that you don't need to worry about shipping orders to your customers. Once shoppers have purchased your ebook, they can simply download it or get it delivered to their email inbox.

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13. Sell products online via dropshipping

If you like the idea of selling goods on the internet but don't want to have to deal with shipping orders to customers, dropshipping may be a great option to explore. 

Dropshipping is a form of ecommerce but uses a different fulfillment method. With this model, a third-party handles the manufacturing and shipping of existing products on your behalf. Your role involves setting up your online store, determining product prices, and marketing the business.

This approach is considered low-risk, as products are only dispatched upon purchase, allowing for ample profit potential, provided your marketing costs remain reasonable. Additionally, you have the option to engage in dropshipping through established marketplaces like Amazon to expand your customer reach.

14. Provide pet-sitting services

It's no secret that a growing number of people around the world are seeing their pets as more than just animals that live in their homes; their cats, dogs, birds, guinea pigs, etc. are part of the family! 

A pet-sitting side gig is a perfect fit if you adore animals, particularly if you already have experience caring for your own. What's more, this type of venture is pretty straightforward to establish and advertise.

Depending on your living space, you can offer in-home pet care for owners who are at work or on vacation, or you can accommodate pets in your own home for both short-term and extended periods. If you'd like to try this kind of work, be sure to check if your national or local regulations necessitate permits and/or insurance. 

15. Walk dogs

If you're an animal lover but don't have the room or time to commit to offering full-on pet-sitting services as a side hustle, dog walking can be a great alternative. This kind of side job is super flexible, making it perfect for people with busy schedules looking for an avenue to make extra money. Plus, it's an easy way to get your exercise in while getting paid!

This gig typically doesn't necessitate a ton of investment. Although dog owners will probably provide their own leashes, you may want to purchase a couple of sturdy leashes and harnesses of your own just in case. In addition, maintaining a steady supply of waste bags and treats is a good idea. 

To bolster potential clients' confidence in your business, consider taking a course in dog training to learn and better understand canine behavior. Finally, as with pet-sitting, you may need to purchase insurance and obtain permits for a dog-walking job. 

16. Sell your photos

Photo banks like Getty Images or Shutterstock are in constant need of purchasing images for online and ad use, making photography a valuable side hustle. The demand for fresh visuals on websites remains consistent. 

Beyond online use, you can also monetize your work by selling physical products like prints, mugs, or clothing items adorned with your images. Selling photography as a service is another option, with potential clients seeking photographers for various events, such as weddings, concerts, graduations, and family gatherings.

Note that building a portfolio and audience takes time, so be persistent. You might opt to focus on a specific photography niche or capture a wide range of subjects and styles to attract a broader audience. The opportunities are diverse in the photography world! 

17. Narrate audiobooks

Narrating audiobooks involves bringing written stories to life through spoken words, offering listeners an engaging experience. If you're looking to make money with this activity, it'll be advantageous to work on your narration skills, focusing on clarity, tone, and expression. Note that reading a wide variety of materials can help you hone your skills.

You can then create profiles on platforms like ACX, which connects narrators with authors and publishers. Browse audiobook listings and audition for titles that match your style and voice.

Similar to podcasting, this kind of job will require you to have some decent equipment on hand before getting started. Invest in a good-quality microphone, headphones, and audio recording software to ensure professional sound quality.

What steps can you start taking today to start a side hustle?

Feeling inspired to get started with a new part-time gig and earn some extra money? There's no time like the present to begin! 

With all the different opportunities for side hustles available today, here are some steps to take to help you find the best option for you and ensure that you start off on the right track.

  • Identify your skills and interests: Consider what you're passionate about and what skills you possess. This first step will help you choose a side hustle that aligns with your strengths.
  • Perform market research: Research potential side hustle ideas and assess their demand and competition in your area or on the internet.
  • Write a business plan: Create a simple business plan outlining your goals, target audience, budget, and marketing strategy.
  • Don't forget about legal considerations: Depending on your side hustle, you may need to register a business, obtain licenses, or comply with tax regulations.
  • Set up financials: Open a separate bank account for your side hustle and keep accurate financial records.
  • Create a plan for time management: Determine how you'll balance your side hustle with your main job and personal life.
  • Build an online presence: Establish a website or social media profiles if relevant to your side hustle.
  • Promote your new venture: Market your side hustle through online and offline channels.

As you can see from our list, the world of side hustles you can start from home is brimming with opportunities for financial growth and personal satisfaction. Whether it's ecommerce ventures, freelance work, online tutoring, or any other creative endeavor, the ability to turn your skills and passions into an income-generating side job has never been more accessible.

The key lies in finding the right fit, putting in the effort, and staying committed. Home-based side hustles not only offer financial benefits but also empower individuals to take control of their careers and lead more balanced, fulfilling lives, making them an appealing choice for those seeking a better work-life balance.

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