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UPDATED : June 30, 2021 • Resources

Complete .store domain review: should you use it for your ecommerce website?

Complete .store domain review: should you use it for your ecommerce website?

It’s no secret that there’s been tremendous growth in ecommerce. With data demonstrating that this growth is projected to continue, you’re likely eager to launch your own online store!

There’s a lot to consider when you build your ecommerce website from scratch

In addition to picking a top-notch provider for your ecommerce web hosting, you need to determine how you can help give your online business every possible edge over the competition.

Online shoppers already have a wealth of stores from which to choose on the internet. 

For this reason, you’ll want to take advantage of all opportunities possible to stand out and get noticed. This begins with your selection of an ecommerce domain name and extension.

These days, there are numerous extensions available for domains on the web. You may initially be drawn to more popular options for your store’s domain, such as .com, .net, and .biz. 

Unless your business name is very unique, though, there’s a good chance that your ideal domain name for these popular extensions is already taken. 

Finding out that your preferred domain name is already taken can seem like a setback. This is especially true if seemingly all related domains have also already been claimed.

In reality, you may still be able to nab the perfect domain name when you select the right extension!

The .store domain extension is relatively new, and it’s mostly used by ecommerce businesses. As a result, there are many domain names still available under this option.

This extension can offer several benefits that aren’t available with other alternatives. Nevertheless, there are also a few drawbacks that you need to be aware of to make a well-informed decision about your store’s domain. 

To help support your search for the best site domain name as you investigate names available on the web, let’s take a look at the .store extension to see if it’s the right choice for your business.

Advantages of the .store domain extension

The .store domain extension is most commonly used for site domains of entrepreneurs, online store merchants, and small-business owners. Some established businesses later launch a merchandise line, and the .store extension is perfect for this use as well. 

This extension specifically tells internet users that they’ll find an online store if they visit that website.

For some people, there’s an assumption that anything other than the .com domain extension is inferior, but this isn’t necessarily true. In fact, even if .com is available for your preferred domain name, you may want to consider the benefits of the .store for domains. 

Here are some of the advantages that this extension offers for online stores.

1. Creates a strong brand name

With options like .com and .net, the site visitor may not immediately be certain what your website is about. This isn’t the case when you have a .store extension. 

Your visitors expect to find an ecommerce store on the website, and they won’t be disappointed. This lays the foundation for a positive shopping experience rather than starting the experience with uncertainty.

Because the .store isn’t as established as other extensions, it’s possible for a new online store to find a short, straightforward domain name. 

You may not have to get creative with hyphens and spelling in the same way that you may need to when choosing a domain name with a more popular extension.

In fact, you could land a domain with your store’s exact name followed by the .store extension. This directly feeds into memorable and relevant branding and can help support your marketing efforts down the road.

2. Assists with offline marketing campaigns

Your marketing budget may lean heavily toward strategies like search engine optimization (SEO) and social media marketing. However, driving traffic to your store through offline marketing is also relevant. 

When you run an ad in a newspaper or on TV, your target audience won’t be able to simply click a link to reach your website. They’ll instead need to type in your URL directly or search for your store name.

The shopper’s ability to easily remember your store’s URL is critical, so establishing a short, descriptive domain name is essential. What’s more, the .store extension added to a short domain name adds to its memorability while retaining its compact size.

3. Strengthens SEO

Driving targeted traffic to your online store via free, organic marketing efforts regularly is more sustainable than constantly having to maintain a large marketing budget.

Search engine optimization is a leading component of an organic marketing strategy. One of the more vital factors that drive results for search engine queries is backlinks. Both the quality of the backlinks and the number of backlinks that your website has will impact results.

When other websites link to your ecommerce store, the link’s anchor text is commonly the full URL name. Because both the domain name and the extension may be more descriptive when .store is used, the anchor text would be much more specific. 

This ultimately can help improve the quality of backlinks to your website and can offer your website a boost on Google’s results pages. This is a benefit that may only be bolstered as more websites link to your ecommerce site.

4. Increases customer trust

When your ecommerce store is relatively new, your customers may be unfamiliar with your brand. Building trust with these customers is paramount. 

These individuals will take cues from your domain name and even your store’s email address to set their expectations and gauge your website’s legitimacy. 

Because of the limited options available for .com domains, there’s an increased likelihood that you’d need to choose an awkward and questionable name with that extension.

On the other hand, the .store can actually help establish credibility. This is because it sets expectations about what the website offers, and this is backed up by the experience that the website actually provides. 

When this is combined with a short, straightforward domain name, the effects on the overall customer experience can be powerful!

Disadvantages of the .store domain extension

As is the case with most things in life, the .store extension has a few disadvantages that you should keep in mind. You’ll need to weigh the power of the pros and cons in relation to your unique situation to determine what the best option is for your business. 

The following are some of the more significant disadvantages that online stores may encounter when using a .store domain extension.

1. Not as well known as other domain extensions to internet users

Some of the many advantages of using .store for your domain name are directly linked to the fact that the extension is relatively new. 

However, this also means that some internet users may not currently be familiar with the extension. Anything new or seemingly unusual on the internet can be met with a degree of skepticism at first.

Fortunately, this skepticism may be short-lived after your website’s visitors realize that the domain extension is actually a legitimate description of what your website is about. 

Until this is discovered, though, some of your website’s visitors may remain unsure about clicking on the link and making a purchase with an unknown business on the internet.

Keep in mind that the .store extension is increasing in popularity. As a result, the impact of this disadvantage will diminish over time as internet users become more familiar with it.

2. Doesn’t guarantee that your chosen domain name is available

While many short, straightforward domain names are available with the .store description, quite a few others have already been claimed. Because of this, there’s no guarantee that you can snag your preferred domain name for your online store with the use of .store. 

The best way to find out what your options are for a domain with a .store extension is to conduct a quick Google search. While your preferred domain name could potentially be taken, you may still find a short, descriptive alternative.

To “.store” or not to “.store” – the choice is yours!

The importance of your store’s domain name and extension can’t be overlooked or diminished.

Although there are numerous ecommerce features that you’ll need your site to have to be successful in online sales, your domain name and extension are akin to a physical store’s signage or store window. 

They set the tone for the shopper’s experience, establish or reinforce branding, and impact memorability. For these reasons, you should explore all possibilities to find the best available domain name and extension on the web for your site.

The .store extension is a relatively new option available for web stores. The many benefits it features can help you to launch your store more successfully. This may also offer your store substantial advantages over the competition. 

Hopefully this review has provided you with some helpful data to assist you in making a well-informed decision for your site. Now is a wonderful time to examine the available domain options and secure your preferred domain name for your online store!

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