
B2C (Business to Consumer)

B2C is an acronym that stands for “business to consumer." It refers to all commercial transactions that take place between a company and the general public.

By definition, it’s the opposite of B2B ("business to business"), which encompasses all commercial actions carried out between two companies.

Contrary to what one might think, B2C doesn’t represent the majority of commercial exchanges on a national or global scale.

Generally, order volumes are much smaller in B2C compared to B2B. However, the order cycle is also shorter, as fewer parties are involved in finalizing the purchase.

When it comes to the B2C business model, many channels can be used, from marketing and digital tools to traditional stores.

What’s more, digital technology now allows for combining these two sales methods (online purchasing + in-store pickup), particularly through click-and-collect services.

To finalize as many sales as possible, B2C merchants use various digital marketing strategies, such as advertising, retargeting, SEO, affiliate marketing, content marketing, etc.

These different web methods not only capture prospects' attention but also convert them into buyers, often by playing on the emotional factor.

While B2B specialists target a very specific and often limited audience, B2C merchants have a much broader target and aim for a large number of potential buyers, whether they use a direct or an indirect distribution channel for selling.

Therefore, it’s essential to stand out from the competition and activate the right strategies at the right time to encourage buyers to complete their purchases.

Another specificity of B2C: the products sold must often be easy for consumers to understand.

Since their target audience isn’t professional, they’re also not specialized or trained in the technical aspects of the products being sold. Users must immediately understand the utility of the service or product offered, and its purpose should be easily perceptible.

Generally, B2C targets a mass market, so appropriate measures must be used to identify the typical customer profile.

To do this, businesses often establish a marketing mix, which is an action plan built around four main areas: product offerings, price analysis, placement policies, and promotion strategies.

It’s only when all of these four elements are cohesive that B2C-focused companies typically succeed in attracting more customers, increasing sales, and ensuring the longevity of their business.

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