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February 04, 2022 • Resources

What to post on Facebook in 2025: 23 Inspiring ideas to boost engagement

What to post on Facebook in 2025: 23 Inspiring ideas to boost engagement

Regardless of the products that you sell, having a solid social media marketing strategy in place is essential for the success of your online store. Social media can help grow your ecommerce business in a variety of ways.

Although the best social networks for your ecommerce business will depend on your target market, Facebook is still quite reliable for connecting with both current and potential customers and attracting more traffic to your website. However, it’s important to vary the content that you share in order to keep your followers interested and expand your reach.

Here are 23 Facebook post ideas that can breathe new life into your feed and help you see a real increase in audience engagement on the social media platform!

1. Product photos

As the owner of an ecommerce business, it’s probably already clear to you that posting photos of your products is advantageous. This type of content is great for highlighting a new product in your catalog or even giving some extra attention to an item that’s been around for a while.

The key to sharing product photos on Facebook is to make your product the star of the show. Show off your online store’s offerings in a creative yet simple way that lets the product speak for itself. 

For example, in the image below, Brooks posts about their latest product launch, the Adrenaline GTS 22. Although the brand does include a brief caption, the photo on its own is likely to catch the attention of Facebook users, displaying the product against an uncomplicated background.

brooks running shoes facebook

Source: Brooks Running

2. Behind-the-scenes content

Behind-the-scenes content is very popular with consumers, as they appreciate transparency from brands and enjoy seeing some personality behind a business. Whether you opt to show how your product is made, demonstrate what it looks like when you gear up for an event, or introduce you or your team, do it in a way that feels natural to you!

You don’t need to get super fancy with it—the more “real” it feels to your followers, the better.

In this Facebook post by LUSH Cosmetics, the beauty brand provides a BTS look at how they concoct their Snow Fairy Lights Gift Bath Bomb. The post details the production process with both a detailed caption and video.

Source: LUSH Cosmetics

3. Questions

An easy method for getting a conversation going with your audience is to ask a simple question. Be careful, though—you’ll want to be sure to ask about topics that are relevant to your audience. In addition, note that open-ended questions tend to work better than those that only require a “Yes” or a “No” as a response.

The questions you pose on your Facebook posts can range from the lighthearted, such as having users suggest a word to fill in the blank, to the serious, such as asking people what product they’d like you to release next. 

In the following example, we see pet food company IAMS going the fun route and asking their followers about their pets’ resolutions for the new year.

iams question post facebook

Source: IAMS

4. Infographics

It’s no secret that people are less patient than ever when it comes to reading long blocks of text. This is why infographics are such a great type of content to post on Facebook. 

Infographics take complex ideas or data and put them in an easy-to-understand visual format. What’s more, provided you use the correct sizing, you can easily share your infographics across all your social media networks, making them a real asset to your marketing strategy!

Take this post by Pela, for instance. The company sells plastic-free cases for cell phones and promotes eco-friendly consumption. In this post, they detail the problem with using plastic straws and how people can do their part to remedy the issue via a simple, visually appealing infographic.

pela case infographic facebook

Source: Pela Case

5. Blog posts

Sharing articles from your online store’s blog on Facebook is a great way to make the most of your content marketing strategy and improve your SEO. High-quality, engaging blog content that helps your target market can increase your brand authority and consumers’ trust. It’s one of the many types of content marketing that you’ll want to take advantage of to attract more visitors to your online store.

Rather than posting a lengthy article in its entirety on Facebook, provide a short-but-sweet blurb to introduce the piece along with a link to the article. This will make your followers curious and encourage them to visit your site to read the rest! 

Check out this Thanksgiving-themed post by Chewy, for example. In the pet supply company’s Facebook post, they share a link to their blog article to help people keep their pets safe on Turkey Day. With this type of content, the brand demonstrates their understanding of their customers’ love for their pets and desire to ensure their health.

chewy blog post facebook

Source: Chewy

6. Giveaways and contests

If you’re looking to add a bit of excitement to your Facebook page, why not hold a giveaway or contest to boost brand awareness, reach a wider audience, and increase engagement?

Again, for this type of post, you’ll ideally make the prize relevant to your target market—whether that means giving away one of your own products or something else that makes sense for your buyer persona (ideal customer).

One of the best aspects of this type of Facebook post? Depending on the specifics of your contest, you may get tons of user-generated content from your followers that you can use for future posts!

This is exemplified in a contest posted by Fender back in 2019. Participants were asked to not only talk about Fender in their submissions but also to use hashtags related to the brand, further increasing awareness of both the contest and the company itself.

fender contest facebook

Source: Fender

7. Brand stories

Successful content marketing examples have shown that storytelling is a great method for creating a deeper connection with your audience, on social media platforms like Facebook and beyond. It’s a way to get a little more personal with your followers and increase engagement if your audience relates to your post.

If the idea of getting personal with your group of current and potential customers makes you uneasy, don’t worry—this type of Facebook post is completely customizable to your level of comfort!

Talk about the history of your brand, why you created a specific product, or even a special milestone in your business. You could alternatively share your customers’ stories if you prefer, such as how your product made a positive difference in their lives, as shown in the following example by Ireland-based jewelry brand Chupi.

chupi jewellery customer story facebook

Source: Chupi

8. Sales and discounts

Help spread the word about any sales or special discounts your online store is offering by sharing the news in a Facebook post. This can be done to generate interest and awareness of a regular sale on your website or reward shoppers for liking your Facebook page by announcing a secret flash sale or promo code.

Beauty brand The Body Shop combines a sales announcement with a question post in the example below. Gearing up for Black Friday, the company asks their followers to comment with the names of their favorite products while reminding them to check out the dates for the upcoming big sale based on where the user is located.

thebodyshop sale post facebook

Source: The Body Shop

9. Memes

For better or for worse, memes have become a very popular form of communication for social media users all around the world. Seemingly simple, they help people feel connected, understood, and like they’re part of a group through shared humor.

This type of Facebook post is great for when you’re stuck for ideas and/or want to shake up your more business-like content with something a bit more lighthearted. You can opt to either create your own meme or share a ready-made one that fits perfectly with your target market.

In the following example, skincare company Curology tackles the serious issue of the importance of wearing sunscreen by adding a bit of humor to the message with the help of a meme.

curology meme facebook

Source: Curology

10. Customer testimonials

Easy to create and share across social media networks and your ecommerce website, customer testimonials help boost consumer trust in your business and can give shoppers that final push to purchase from your online store.

No matter how great you declare your products to be, consumers will believe it more when it comes from people who’ve already made purchases from you. Furthermore, you can never have too many positive testimonials, so feel free to use this Facebook post idea as often as you’d like!

Of course, it goes without saying that the testimonials you share should be real…fake reviews could potentially be disastrous for your brand image if shoppers were to ever be made aware of their inauthenticity.

Customer testimonials can be shared in various ways on Facebook. For instance, you can post written or video testimonials, before-and-after photos, and reviews from influencers or everyday customers, as demonstrated by skincare brand Fenty Skin below.

fentyskin customer testimonial facebook

Source: Fenty Skin

11. User-generated content

User-generated content (UGC) is one of the best types of content for your business for a number of reasons. It’s an easy way to change up the content on your Facebook feed, helps increase engagement and brand awareness, and boosts shoppers’ confidence in your online store.

In addition, as you may have gathered from the previous post ideas mentioned, it’s very easy to collect UGC via social media, such as when you host a contest or giveaway. You can also ask your followers to simply use a hashtag tied to your brand and/or tag your company in their photos to make finding UGC even easier any time you want to share this type of content.

Don’t forget to ask permission before posting other users’ images, though! Even if they’ve tagged you in an image, it doesn’t hurt to double check and confirm that they’re okay with their image being reposted on your own page.

Note that UGC doesn’t even have to display your products in the image or video for it to be engaging and effective, as shown In the following example by pet food company Ziwi Pets. The brand understands that cat fans everywhere will appreciate a magnificent feline like the one presented in the post below, and they’ve slipped in a link to their range of cat food to encourage followers to check out the site.

ziwipets ugc facebook

Source: Ziwi Pets

12. Numbered lists

This type of Facebook post can be used by any ecommerce business, regardless of products sold, as it allows for lots of flexibility. It’s possible to create a list on any topic you could possibly think of.

Numbered lists tend to work well on Facebook and other social media networks due to their easy-to-understand structure and straightforward way of presenting information. In addition, users like them because there’s no mystery involved; they instantly know what they’re getting when they see a numbered list!

Although posts involving numbered lists tend to speak for themselves, it’s still a good idea to provide a short introduction, as shown in this WiziShop example.

wizishop numbered list facebook

Source: WiziShop

13. Trending topics

Another excellent method for boosting engagement with your Facebook followers is to post about topics that are trending. While you might be hesitant to share your views on a hot-button issue, fearing that you may alienate current or potential customers, note that many of today’s shoppers are wary of brands that don’t have an opinion.

Keep in mind that it’s also crucial that your words and actions match up. As you might have noticed over the years, audiences generally aren’t fans of brands that are exposed for being hypocritical.

Furthermore, with the way that Facebook’s algorithm works, your posts have a greater chance of appearing in users’ feeds if you’re talking about current events. This in turn can help to grow your reach and cast a wider net of potential customers for your business!

One brand that stays up to date with current events happening around the world and posts about them on social media is skincare company Herbivore Botanicals. In the following example, their Facebook post is dedicated to the climate crisis, drawing attention to the issue and detailing how the brand intends to do their part to combat it.

herbivore climate change post facebook

Source: Herbivore Botanicals

14. Interviews

Although interviews tend to take a bit more time to prepare, when done well, they’ll pique the curiosity of your audience and do wonders for boosting your engagement. There are many different ways to approach this type of Facebook post, and how you opt to handle it will likely depend on the kinds of products you sell, the group of people you want to target, and your budget. 

You might interview a knowledgeable leader in your field of business, one of your customers, or perhaps a social media influencer who uses your products. You could alternatively chat with one of your employees or even have somebody else interview you.

Whoever’s doing the talking, just be sure that the interview topic is relevant to your audience. To help the process go as smoothly as possible, have your questions ready to go well in advance of the actual interview. For your Facebook post itself, you can either film the interview and share a clip of it or the video in its entirety or create an article for your blog and share the link, as done in the example by HOKA below.

hoka interview facebook

Source: HOKA

15. How-to videos

Posting how-to videos on your Facebook page is a great way to share knowledge with your followers to help make their lives easier. If a shopper was hesitant to purchase from your online store, this type of post may give them the extra push to click “Buy now!”

What you choose to show in your video will depend on your audience and the kinds of products that you sell. You might demonstrate how to use your product, how to prepare a simple recipe, how to care for your product, etc.

In this how-to video by Chewy, they show how to make the process of giving a cat medication a little less stressful—a helpful tutorial for new and experienced cat owners alike!

Source: Chewy

16. Industry tips

In addition to your online store’s blog, social networks like Facebook are perfect places for exhibiting your knowledge and sharing helpful info with your audience. Your followers are likely to appreciate any well-informed advice you have to share, so don’t be afraid to make frequent use of this type of Facebook post!

When determining what kinds of tips to share, consider what problems your target market may be facing daily. You can also take a look at your product catalog for inspiration. If you offer a wide variety of items, maybe shoppers would benefit from a brief explanation on how to choose the best product for themselves. 

Offer clear, helpful tips in a simple text-only format or create your own graphic to convey the information with a bit more visual flair, as demonstrated below by haircare brand Philip Kingsley.

philipkingsley industry tips facebook

Source: Philip Kingsley

17. Upcoming events

Facebook is also an excellent place to build awareness and anticipation for events that you plan to host or attend in the future. Whether you want to promote an upcoming webinar, Facebook Live, conference, or any other type of event that will interest your followers, posting about it in advance can help increase attendance and/or keep people in the loop about what you’re up to.

This strategy can also be used for events that have already occurred to share your experience and strengthen connections with other attendees. 

Don’t forget to use Facebook to promote events occurring on other social media networks as well

For instance, in a recent GoPro Facebook post, the brand invited users to check out a live event on their YouTube channel.

gopro upcoming event facebook

Source: GoPro

18. Themed series

Creating a themed series that targets your ideal customer is another way to share your knowledge with your Facebook followers and see more engagement. Whether you post your series once a week, every two weeks, once a month, etc., try to be consistent so that your audience can anticipate and look forward to upcoming content.

For instance, FTD, a flower delivery company, has created a monthly series dedicated to a specific flower, providing a simple graphic and a link to a blog article to help shoppers learn more about the month’s spotlighted blossom.

ftd monthly flower series facebook

Source: FTD Flowers

19. Business milestones

Sharing important milestones with your followers is a great way to keep them in the loop with what’s happening with your ecommerce business and can help strengthen your connection with current and potential customers alike.

Your loyal followers will enjoy celebrating with you and being part of special moments such as business anniversaries, the introduction of new team members or office locations, a certain number of orders sold, etc.

For example, LEGO shared the opening of the company’s first store in Barcelona, Spain in a January 2022 post, allowing followers to tour the store via a brief video.

Source: LEGO

20. Holidays

Centering your Facebook post around a holiday is perfect for increasing awareness, building connections with your audience, and encouraging user engagement. What’s more, Facebook posts involving holidays can be done in so many different ways! 

You can choose to create posts about mainstream holidays that are well known in your target market or holidays that are much more niche but that may still be interesting for the group of customers that you’re trying to attract. 

In the example below, Cult Beauty celebrates International Women’s Day and includes a CTA in the post to encourage engagement from their followers by tagging other users and showing their appreciation for the women in their lives.

cultbeauty international womens day

Source: Cult Beauty

21. Lists of do’s and don’ts

For businesses looking for an uncomplicated way to share helpful information with their Facebook audience, posts that include a “Do’s and Don’ts” list are the way to go! 

It’s easy to create your own graphics with platforms like Canva and customize them to suit your list’s theme. You can opt to post a serious list or one that’s meant to merely entertain your followers—it’s completely up to you! 

As with the rest of these Facebook post ideas, though, be sure to have a good understanding of your target market. 

Pet supply company Blue Buffalo demonstrates that it’s also possible for a business to combine seriousness and silliness in this Facebook post from 2021. Here, to raise awareness for National Pet Dental Health Month, the brand shares a list of do’s and don’ts with their followers to help keep their dogs’ teeth in great condition. 

bluebuffalo dos donts facebook

Source: Blue Buffalo

22. Product teasers

Social media networks like Facebook are an excellent place to build anticipation for an upcoming product launch. Add product teasers in the form of enticing photos or videos in the days or weeks leading up to the release of the product on your ecommerce site to get your audience excited about what’s to come! 

This type of content works well for businesses because people love to feel like they have “insider info” when they follow a brand on social media. Announcements for new products, especially when there’s some buildup involved, can really be great for boosting engagement and traffic to your online store.

Check out this example by Herbivore Botanicals, for instance. About a week before the launch of their new vitamin C serum, Nova, they posted product teasers a couple of days in a row to make their audience curious. 

The brand also encouraged followers to sign up on their website to be notified as soon as the product was released and available for purchase, which in turn allowed them to collect addresses for their email marketing list.

herbivore new product facebook

Source: Herbivore Botanicals

23. Calls to action

The use of calls to action (CTAs) is extremely important for companies everywhere, including ecommerce businesses like yours! This is because a CTA gives people a specific action to take, a move that will ideally help your online store achieve greater success in one way or another, such as increasing your number of followers, user engagement, customer trust, or sales on your website.

While many of the previously mentioned Facebook post ideas included CTAs, quite a few of those CTAs were meant to boost engagement for a specific post. You can also share Facebook posts that serve as CTAs themselves to encourage your audience to complete an action outside of the social network

In the following example, candy company Skittles shares a CTA post that’s solely dedicated to getting followers to vote for the brand for a contest on Twitter. Using simple, clear wording and humor, the post’s message is clear. People know exactly what Skittles is asking, and there’s a link in the post for easy access to be able to complete the requested action.

skittles cta facebook

Source: Skittles

There you have it! 

As this article has demonstrated, online-store owners like yourself have plenty of options at your disposal when it comes to the types of engaging content you can post on Facebook. You also might have noticed that you can often combine the aforementioned ideas in a single post. 

While there’s no one way to go about your Facebook strategy, it’s clear that content marketing helps drive sales, so you’ll definitely want to take advantage of it for your own business. There’s a good chance that you’ll need to play around with your strategy a bit, so don’t worry if it takes you some time to determine what works best for your brand.

Just like with Instagram post ideas and content for your blog and your ecommerce website, it’s best to always consider your target market with whatever you publish. 

Besides thinking about the types of content that you want to share on Facebook, be sure to take the time of day that you post into account as well. This is again where thorough research regarding your company’s ideal customer will come in handy!

Which of the ideas mentioned above are you most looking forward to trying for your Facebook posts? Perhaps there’s other kinds of content not mentioned in this article that have worked well for your marketing strategy? Tell us all about them in the comments below!

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