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UPDATED : January 22, 2023 • Resources

Facebook analytics: Top 12 statistics for improving your performance

Facebook analytics: Top 12 statistics for improving your performance

According to Statista figures, the social media network Facebook has approximately 2.96 billion monthly active users around the globe. What’s more, a Statista study found that as of January 2022, 90% of responding marketers were using the social media platform to promote their business.

In order to satisfy more and more professionals, Facebook has imagined all the levers and has put in place all the necessary metrics in order to provide companies with valuable insights that can help them to perfect their digital communication. Although the social network retired the standalone Facebook Analytics tool in July 2021, it still offers analytics solutions for measuring data, such as the Page Insights tool and Meta Business Suite.

Facebook has become a must for any business that wants to increase its online visibility and find more and more new customers. But you still need to be effective and know how to analyze the different statistics of this social network in order to obtain the necessary insights to help your brand grow!

Why analyze your Facebook Page’s statistics?

Facebook is putting a bit of a strain on marketers by strongly decreasing the reach of communications that are made on its network.

The fault, according to them, lies with the users themselves who like too many fan Pages, leading to the site becoming more of an advertising space than a social media network!

Given the importance of creating a real social commerce strategy on Facebook, it’s up to you to be effective!

To do so, the statistics offered by Facebook, which are very complete and accessible in the settings of the fan page you manage, can assist you. Of course, there are other social media management tools that provide ways to help you achieve your social media goals for your business and analyze your statistics.

Analyzing the data and numbers of your posts allows you to optimize them over time, until you get an effective viral communication strategy. When you’re an e-merchant, it’s essential to analyze all the levers through data and statistical tools.

When it comes to Facebook analytics, here are some key statistics on the platform and indicators to help you understand them.

Who likes your Pages, your profile?

This "Subscribers" tab is essential for true marketing targeting and sample creation.

It gives you demographic data about your community and gives you details as well (gender, age range, country, city of origin, etc.).

This is useful to know the profile of the people interested in your Facebook Page’s posts.

However, it depends on the information entered in the personal profiles on the platform. You might as well say that there are probably people who lie about their age, for example, providing you with false data... This risk is limited if the target is B2B.

How do you analyze the evolution of your audience?

1. Evolution of new Page likes over time

This first indicator shows you the global evolution of your Page likes over a defined period.

With this data, you can thus see how fast your audience is growing.

2. Number of Page likes you’ve obtained

In this report, you will see, day after day, the types of Page likes you’ve obtained, i.e., whether they’re organic or paid via Facebook Ads (Facebook dynamic ads and others).

Thus, you can start to understand which posts didn't convince your fans by checking what you posted on the day (or the day before) when you lost a certain amount of engagement and/or number of fans in your overall audience.

3. Where your subscriptions come from (ad or organic)

Where are your Page likes coming from? Your subscriptions? Did your fans like your Page directly on it, on a website where your Page module is installed, or via a Page suggestion?

Availing of analytics that allow you to know the source of Page likes can be helpful if your ecommerce advertising involves Facebook Ads, for example, and you’re trying to reach a new audience.

If no or few actions are done by the people viewing these ads, it’s then useful to rework them or to stop them completely.

Are your posts read, commented on, or ignored?

This part of the analytics includes metrics providing data that allows you to understand

how your Facebook Page is evolving so that you don't miss conversion opportunities for your business.

4. Reach or coverage of your posts

Reach or coverage is the number of times your post is considered as seen by a Facebook user.

You can thus evaluate the total number of users reached. This part also shows you the ratio between organic and paid reach.

The social media network makes marketers decide to invest so that their posts are seen by as many people as possible.

5. Number of interactions with your Page

With this statistical analysis, you can see the days when your posts were effective.

If you check which post you published on which day, you will see which content ideas worked best (photos, links, statuses, videos...)

6. Hidden posts, reported as undesirable and loss of "likes”

You’ll be able to see what users didn't like because hiding a post or marking it as undesirable requires some effort on their part.

How do you see the total number of visits for a Facebook account?

These metrics give insights that help you to understand how many visits your Page receives, which parts of your Page have the greatest number of views, and if your Page traffic is receiving traffic from external sources. 

7. Visits to your Page and your tabs

This graph allows you to know which parts of the Facebook Page have been viewed (text posts, photos, news, etc.).

If you have a high number of visitors on the Photos tab, it means that this type of content appeals to the people in your community. So continue to feed your Page with photo posts.

If your "About" tab on your Facebook page is often consulted, think about spending a little extra time on the presentation of your business.

8. External referrers

Do other sites or other Facebook Pages bring you visitors?

If you see that referral sites are bringing you a lot of traffic, it might be worthwhile to leverage them more or consider partnerships for your brand’s future content.

How do you determine the performance of a Page's content?

9. Times when subscribers are online

Here you can see, for each day and time, how many subscribers have logged in.

These statistics are averaged over a week.

With the insights from this data, you can easily identify the peak days and times, the best times to post where your followers are most often on Facebook and define the best times to post on Facebook to hopefully reach the maximum number of people in one go.

Another strategy is to understand the best times on other networks, know when to post on Instagram for example, and verify that these times match the presence of your active community on Facebook.

10. Types of posts and events

What types of posts get the most engagement from your followers on your Facebook Page (the difference between photos, links, videos, or statuses)?

This will allow you to tailor your posts to what they prefer to continue to grow engagement.

11. Top posts from the Pages you monitor

This tool allows you to analyze other Facebook Pages.

You will generally keep an eye on your competitors or Pages in the same field as yours.

By adding five Pages to monitor, you will be able to know how many likes the Page got in the last week in order to see where you stand in relation to their level.

12. Statistics for each of your posts

Here you can classify your Facebook Page's posts by reach.

By clicking on "Engagement," you can choose to see only clicks on the post or mentions (likes, comments, shares).

If one of your posts is successful, why not promote it?

Analyze your statistics for free with Facebook tools

In the end, the analysis of these main statistics offers you important insights, allowing you to assess the performance of your business’s strategy and to optimize it over time.

But above all, doesn't the Facebook algorithm make you realize that you should invest in online advertising and particularly in Facebook Ads?

This paid strategy has many positive points for your brand visibility and your Facebook numbers. When you compare organic and paid reach, you can indeed see that the difference is noticeable.

To boost your performance, here are some Facebook post ideas that’ll appeal to the people in your community.

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