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Snapchat statistics (2024): The social network’s key figures, users, and forecasts

Snapchat statistics (2024): The social network’s key figures, users, and forecasts

Snapchat is a social media network that was created in 2011. This free application was created by Reggie Brown, Evan Spiegel, and Bobby Murphy, aged 22 and 24 at the time. Snapchat started out as a simple study project, but quickly became a huge success as soon as it was launched.

The concept of this application is simple and innovative: it lets you share ephemeral content on your smartphone. Each post published on Snapchat has a maximum lifespan of 24 hours. This feature has won over millions of users worldwide, who have rapidly adopted this new way of communicating.

Despite takeover offers from giants such as Facebook and Google, Snapchat's founders refused to sell their app. In 2016, the company became Snap Inc. and continues to grow over time.

Looking ahead, Snapchat's prospects are promising. The platform continues to innovate to meet the expectations of its users and adapt to market developments. According to experts, the number of active users is going to continue to grow in the years to come, driven in particular by the rise of visual communication and augmented reality.

Snapchat has become a must-have application in the social networking landscape, thanks to its innovative concept and ability to constantly renew itself. The statistics speak for themselves: the platform's growth is meteoric, and tomorrow's trends look very hopeful!

Snapchat users in 2024

How many people use Snapchat worldwide?

In the fourth quarter of 2023, Snapchat counted 414 million daily active users around the world, according to Statista. In contrast, in the first quarter of 2014, that number was just 46 million.

The application had 375 million daily active users in the fourth quarter of 2022, a statistic indicating that there was an increase of approximately 10% in 2023.

In terms of usage based on region, North America accounted for 100 million daily active users in the fourth quarter of 2023, just ahead of Europe, which accounted for 96 million daily active users, compared to 218 million in the rest of the world.

daily active snapchat users by region statista

Source: Statista

Based on a Statista report on the leading countries in terms of Snapchat audience size as of January 2024, India represents the largest population of subscribers on Snapchat with almost 201 million people. The United States comes in second with around 106.2 million users, and then it’s Pakistan that takes third place with approximately 30.2 million users.

leading countries snapchat audience size statista

Source: Statista

American users state that their Snapchat usage is mostly to keep in touch with friends and family. Nevertheless, this makes this user demographic the most engaged on the social media network with an engagement rate of 48% on the platform, just behind Facebook and WhatsApp, as shown by Statista data.

Which groups use Snapchat the most? Age + gender demographics

According to DataReportal’s findings in April 2023, the user demographics of the social media network's global advertising audience are mostly concentrated on younger groups:

  • Aged 13–17: 19.9%
  • Aged 18–24: 38.6%
  • Aged 25–34: 23.2%
  • Aged 35–49: 14.0%
  • Aged 50 and older: 3.8%

The data collected shows that almost 60% of users are aged 24 and younger.

Also according to Data Reportal in April 2023, the proportion of female users is slightly higher than male users on the Snapchat application: 50.6% are female compared to 48.7% male.

Here are the gender statistics for Snapchat's advertising audience shown in further detail according to age group: 

  • Aged 13–17: 10.5% female compared to 9.4% male
  • Aged 18–24: 18.2% vs. 20.4%
  • Aged 25–34: 11.3% vs. 11.8%
  • Aged 35–49: 8.4% vs. 5.6%
  • Aged 50 and older: 2.5% vs. 1.3%
snapchat advertising audience datareportal

Source: DataReportal

Snapchat numbers: Global statistics

Snapchat key figures

Worldwide, no less than 5 billion snaps, photos or ephemeral videos are sent every day.

Users open the application about 30 times a day on average and for a duration of 50 minutes per day, again on average. In all, 10 billion videos are viewed every day.

Beyond just sharing photos and videos on smartphone screens to subscribers or loved ones, Snapchat users are also fans of the Discover platform launched in 2015, which allows users to watch different formats, shows, mini-series designed by media and content creators.

12 million users watch content via Discover, and the time spent on the tab is increasing: a 45% increase was noted between 2019 and 2020.

snapchat discover tab

In 2020, the “Spotlight” tab was created on Snapchat, offering a format very similar to the videos offered by TikTok: short videos are randomly displayed on the subscriber’s screen. This platform also makes it possible to pay the best content creators. One million dollars is paid every day to these creators.

snapchat spotlight

Snapchat is also known for its dozens of filters and augmented reality technology. For instance, OneZero describes how after Snapchat released its gender-swap and baby filters in May 2019, downloads for the application more than doubled!

The results of a survey conducted by Snapchat in collaboration with Murphy Research demonstrate the importance of the application in all circumstances. In fact, according to this major study, Snap is the platform that comes out on top when it comes to users' favorite moments, whether they're on the go, commuting to work, or traveling.

Based on the survey, more than a third of Snapchat users (32%) take advantage of these moments to use the application for entertainment in their free time.

Snap is a great way for users to have fun on their daily commute. In fact, almost a third of users (29%) make it their favorite application for passing the time on public transport.

Finally, for all you adventurers and globetrotters out there, know that Snap is also the app of choice for sharing your travel highlights. According to the report, 24% of users use it as a companion to share their adventures and keep in touch with loved ones.

All in all, it would seem that Snap is the ideal application for anyone looking for a source of entertainment and to stay connected at all times.

snapchat usage worldwide

Source: Murphy Research

Following this 2018 survey, 95% of the 1,005 users surveyed stated that the application made them happier.

Who is the most followed person on Snapchat worldwide?

The result is clear: The Jenner/Kardashian bunch sweeps the top spots in terms of number of Snapchat followers, with Kylie Jenner leading the way with a global audience of 37 million followers.

As of March 2024, the Top 10 most followed accounts on Snapchat are as follows:

  • Kylie Jenner: 37 million followers
  • Kim Kardashian: 27.2 million followers
  • Khloé Kardashian: 16.8 million followers
  • Kendall Jenner: 16.7 million followers
  • Kourtney Kardashian: 15 million followers
  • Selena Gomez: 13.6 million followers
  • DJ Khaled: 13.5 million followers
  • Ariana Grande: 13.1 million followers
  • Kevin Hart: 10.6 million followers
  • Loren Gray: 10.2 million followers
top 10 most followed snapchat accounts worldwide wizishop

Snapchat usage: A study of growth in the United States

Snapchat is one of the most preferred social media platforms by Americans.

Users are immersed in the lives of their friends and others they follow via their snaps received directly or accessible via their stories.

Their stories are documented in a screen filled with photos and videos. Media is also represented on this platform as an additional way to inform and entertain while breaking out of the classic framework of internet formats or other content already present on Facebook and Instagram.

The Snapchat audience in the United States mostly consists of younger users. Instagram and Snapchat are the most popular applications for 18–24 year olds, according to Pew Research Center.

social network usage pewresearchcenter

Source: Pew Research Center

In the US, the most used apps in 2019 by teens were first Instagram for 25% of them, then Facebook for 24%, and Snapchat for 22%, as noted by eMarketer.

With 2020’s lockdowns, these statistics are looking a bit different these days: in 2021, according to the Piper Sandler survey of a panel of 9,000 young people with an average age of 15 years old, Snapchat was the application most liked by teens for 34% of them, before TikTok, which dethroned the Instagram statistics during the crisis.

In 2019, social network users in the United States proved their daily attachment to Snapchat with one of the highest scores of daily visits, 46% of the audience, compared to 51% for Facebook, which holds the top spot.

Snapchat is therefore a social media platform that’s consumed every day, inscribed in users’ habits.

Brands and companies on Snapchat

  • Brand and business trends

According to a study carried out by Reech, an agency specializing in communications and marketing, Snapchat doesn't appear to be a priority for industry professionals in 2023. In fact, only 3% of the specialists questioned said they had a presence on this platform.

By 2024, the Reech report tells us that the application will collapse among content creators, with only 6% using it on a daily basis.

This data contrasts sharply with that for other social media apps such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, Twitter/X and YouTube, which have established themselves as major players in digital communication.

It's true that brands don't have much of a presence on Snapchat compared to these other platforms. Although Snapchat is a popular social media network worldwide, it lags far behind its competitors in communication strategies.

When it comes to corporate communications, Snapchat is used by just 3% of B2B professionals, i.e. in corporate sales strategies, and by 5% of B2C marketers, i.e., in direct consumer relations. This contrasts sharply with the statistics for LinkedIn, for example, which is widely acclaimed by professionals.

most used social networks marketers digimind wizishop

Source: Digimind

So it seems that, for the time being, Snapchat is not the channel of choice for corporate communications and marketing strategies. However, one should never say never, as trends can change very quickly in the digital world.

  • Snapchat marketing examples

Although the application is still in the B2B development phase, there's room for innovative marketing!

The famous American cosmetics brand E.L.F. embarked on a Snapchat adventure to promote its latest product. And the least we can say is that it hit hard! The brand has opted for an original advertising campaign using Snap Ads.

But what are Snap Ads? It's a short video of 3 to 10 seconds, broadcast on the Snapchat social network, which enables advertisers to quickly and attractively present the features of their product. It's a simple, effective strategy for attracting Snapchat users in record time.

E.L.F. managed to capture the attention of Snapchatters with its innovative campaign and get the word out on the web. Further proof that Snapchat has become an essential playground for brands wishing to boost their visibility among a young, connected audience.

Another striking example is Danish company LEGO. To celebrate its 90th anniversary, the well-known toy brand turned to augmented reality (AR) on Snapchat.

Users were given the opportunity to let their creativity run wild as they built new construction elements directly between London buildings, thanks to the Lens feature.

This unprecedented advertising campaign was a hit with Snapchatters and enabled Lego to reach an even wider audience than usual, appealing even to AR enthusiasts who weren't necessarily familiar with the toy brand's universe. A fine demonstration of Lego's constant innovation, which never hesitates to surprise its public by adapting to the latest technological trends.

Snapchat’s revenue in 2024

Snap Inc., the company that owns the app, is located in 25 cities across 15 countries around the world, according to official information provided by the company.

Over 3,800: this is the number of full-time employees that the business founded in 2011 and then transformed counted in 2016, 54% of whom are engineers.

If we analyze the sales of Snap Inc, the parent company of content-sharing app Snapchat, we can see a significant evolution in its performance in recent years.

After a difficult period in 2020, marked by the COVID-19 pandemic and a drop in the app's traffic, Snap Inc. has been able to turn things around. And this is particularly visible from the second half of 2020.

In 2021, Snap Inc had a second quarter that exploded, with revenue of $982.11 million. This score is up 116% on the previous year, showing a significant improvement in the company's performance.

But the positive trend doesn't stop there. In 2022, Snapchat's revenue reached $4.117 billion, a statistic that increased 64% from the previous year. This remarkable performance was made possible by several factors, such as the app's expanding user base and increased advertising revenue.

In the second half of 2022, Snapchat also achieved an impressive balance sheet, with revenue of $1.111 billion. This performance is up 13% from the same period in 2021, confirming the positive trend seen recently.

In 2023, Snapchat showed the same financial signals as in 2022, bringing its revenue closer to $4.2 billion.

All in all, Snap Inc. has successfully risen to the challenge of the health crisis and turned difficulties into opportunities. The company was able to reinvent itself and offer new services to its users, which contributed to its sales growth.

Snapchat: Use the app's strengths for your brand communication

The future looks pretty good for the application, which sees its audience growing with increases of about 14% per year.

According to a Statista report, Snapchat's sales are set to rise sharply by 2027. While the platform weighed in at $3.4 billion in 2020, it's estimated to reach $14.8 billion by 2027, an increase of 335.29% over 7 years.

snapchat predicted revenue statista

Source: Statista

These forecasts are based on a stable economic and technological climate, while also taking into account the possibility of the application developing in line with the various trends in social networking and user expectations.

What's certain is that, according to App Annie, the application has also evolved in popularity over time, and we can easily analyze a resurgence in audience and craze. Little by little, Snapchat is positioning itself in all sectors, including social commerce.

Snapchat doesn't just allow users to connect with their friends. The app has become an essential tool for brands looking to reach their target audience with direct messages. Using augmented reality filters, targeted ads and direct selling features, companies can use Snapchat to promote their products and engage their audience in innovative ways.

It's true: more and more companies are using Snapchat to reach their target audience and sell their products directly via the app.

One successful example is cosmetics brand Sephora. Using Snapchat's "Lens" feature, Sephora created an augmented reality experience that allows users to virtually try on different make-up products using their front-facing camera. Users can then purchase the products directly via the app. This strategy has enabled Sephora to generate significant sales, while offering a fun, interactive experience to its customers.

Audiences are drawn to the app that boosts their happiness on a daily basis. Based on the Murphy Research study on Snapchat, we can see that users feel negative emotions towards the most popular social media apps, except for Snapchat.

social media attributes murphyresearch

Source: Murphy Research

Snapchat has also managed to stay relevant by regularly offering new features to its users. From the "Snap Map" feature, which lets users see where their friends are in real time, to interactive games like "Bitmoji Party," Snapchat has managed to keep its users engaged by offering them unique and entertaining experiences.

Snapchat has succeeded in setting itself apart in the world of social media by offering a unique and innovative sharing experience. Advertising, international data, advancing age, content diversification... Alongside other platforms, Snapchat statistics are worth keeping an eye on for marketers and brands looking to connect with their target audience and stay at the forefront of digital culture.

As you develop the marketing strategy for your ecommerce business, it’s critical to perform market research to determine which social media platforms are best suited for your target audience. You may find, for example, that it’s better to concentrate your efforts on Instagram or Pinterest if those networks are more often frequented by the customers you’re trying to reach.

Nevertheless, Snapchat, the application for sharing photos, snapshots of messages, and videos sent to one or more users, including AR games and filters to customize snaps, has a bright future ahead of it.

Want to learn more key statistics for other social networks? Don't miss our other articles:

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