Good morning SEO

Get a FREE tip every day, in your inbox, to be guided in your SEO strategy for your ecommerce business and reach the top of the results!

Good Morning SEO:
Your daily advice

Good Morning SEO is a series of free tips that you’ll receive every day in your inbox. The script is designed to guide you step by step in the creation of your website and the development of your SEO strategy. By following my different tips and applying the methodology I share with you, you’re 100% sure to rank in the search engine results!

The majority of the emails are made up of clear, concrete, and precise elements to be implemented on your online store. Visual explanations, diagrams, and various resources illustrate the points to bring more clarity.

The different SEO levers are addressed: choice of domain name, Search Console configuration, internal linking, page writing, the search for backlinks...everything there is to know!

Beginner, intermediate, advanced... the script is accessible to all.

This series of emails is mainly intended for the WiziShop group’s e-merchants, but if you use another platform or you’re simply looking for SEO tips and tricks, you’ll find interesting and rewarding information.

Get the Good Morning SEO tips
presentation good morning seo
Who am I?

Passionate about SEO for more than 7 years, I’m the SEO manager for the WiziShop group.

Every day, I work on the technical SEO optimization of our e-merchants' stores and the addition of advanced features. So I know the solution inside out! Every morning, I'll share with you the different actions to implement on your store, as if I were embarking on this adventure with you.

What about the WiziShop group?

The WiziShop group was created in 2008. It’s a French ecommerce solution in the form of SaaS software. The company has three brands: WiziShop, Dropizi, and Evolup.

Since its launch in 2008, WiziShop has always made SEO a priority. A dedicated team within the company is in charge of keeping a daily watch on the subject and anticipating changes in search engine algorithms, Google always at the forefront. Hence our slogan SEO-Powered Ecommerce!

Every improvement, every optimization, and every feature dedicated to SEO (the company has more than 50 different ones at the moment) are then proposed to e-merchants via free and regular updates and without asking them to do any technical work on their end.

At WiziShop, our goal has always been the success of our customers. This project is therefore intended to contribute to our e-merchants’ success.

Get the Good Morning SEO tips
Gregory & René

Why SEO ?

SEO remains, by far, the most profitable acquisition channel for an e-merchant.


of online experiences start with a search engine (Source)


of marketing specialists invested in SEO in 2021 (Source)


of website traffic comes from SEO (Source)

Get the Good Morning SEO tips

What you’ll discover

Icon Discover 1 Configurations and technical SEO: Days 2 to 10

To start off on the right foot, it’s important to configure your online store correctly to make it accessible and visible on search engines.

Icon Discover 2 Launching and writing: Days 11 to 24

Content is one of the pillars of SEO. You need to create relevant pages and write texts that respond to internet users’ search intent.

Icon Discover 3 Audit and follow-up: Days 25 to 30

Your site evolves, as does your SEO. You should regularly monitor your key metrics to analyze your traffic and your rankings and make sure that everything is working properly.

Icon Discover 4 Off-site SEO: Days 31 to 41

Popularity is one of the key points to leverage all the work you do on your site and reach the Top 3 for the most competitive queries in your market.

Icon Discover 5 Advanced SEO and tips: Days 41 and +

For the more seasoned among you who have followed the entire strategy, the emails don't stop! The script continues to be populated with SEO news, tips, and advanced SEO strategy sharing!

Get the Good Morning SEO tips

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